Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
We mortals must stick together, was this such a hard tenant to comprehend. Symbri knew the city was polarized, Mortals against Immortal, but that was wrong… It had to be. To brand the immortals entirely as the enemy was like saying all people were by nature evil. Evil was a...
Pushing an advanced specimen towards the limits of their intellect was the task of a teacher. To push the personality, the morality and the very borders of ethics to achieve ultimate knowledge, logic and prowess was the task given to a teacher, the one man or woman...
On paper, the very same referred to at the Office of the Citizen's Committee where the Aukari first went to, the job F'mos had at the Kettle Black was to help cook and prepare the food with Maylan. However, that did not mean cooking and preparing food were his only jobs at the soup...
Shortly after ditching the guards, the Becomer returned to the site of Parren’s festivities, watching to see what sort of other prizes might be handed out. To his surprise, another glove just like the one he was given was handed out to a child contestant, one that...
The pecking order for those in the Fence was obvious and F'mos was right at the bottom with no accomplishments brag about. He might have made an example of Flynn who could no longer be a thief in any capacity; but as the Aukari had done so under the orders of Raellen and because of...
Nightshade! Get your tail feathers out here! Nightshade!
The half-breed could feel a growl starting to rise up in the back of her throat. Of course. The half-breed had just walked into the Smarter Charts and this was the first thing she was met with. Yes, boss? The half-breed...
The half breed watched the passing crowds with curiosity, having found a comfortable spot outside the walls to people watch. She'd nearly seen an entire year in the city of Etzos, and it was interesting to compare the seasons. When it came to the icy times of Zi'da and Cylus it...
'Ya got no job? Starving? Need work? Jus' wanna enjoy life a bit? Ask 'round for Downtrodden.
Ymiden 19th
Slowly, slowly , it was coming back to him; his mind, that which made it possible for him to thrive alongside the twisted ranks of humanity.
Argghh, this......
A knife in his back. It must have been a miracle that it wasn't lethal, though if it had gone further and for moments longer, the miracle would have been outlasted. Alistair couldn't wail, for he was too shocked - he had only just left the confines of the city to explore...
Loose ends held a complicated spot in the twilight hybrid’s heart. On one side of the spectrum, a loose end could be used positively, especially when one had only just begun to make someone’s acquaintance, or when they might be...
Finn O'Connor :: 20th of Ashan, 717
Finn squeezed his tongue between his lips and carefully put one foot in front of the other as he balanced himself on the roof-gutter. Heights didn't faze him, but he couldn't deny that it looked much higher from up...
Beyond the veil of the mind one would only find emptiness, but not Mal. Salvation was what awaited, and that yearning strain in his heart only yielded to the beat of his paws upon the earth, river stones scrambling beneath his heavy footing. A solemn tone clung to his mind, some...
Following the events of the trial prior, Fridgar had his heart set on one thing; The king crocodile. He needed it. It's armoured scales, raw speed and jaw strength, all factors that gave the Lothar chills. It would be his to become no...
His new laboratory, the son of Ziell decided as he stepped across the threshold, was for the most part preferable to the one that he had used to work in, back when he had still been a largely harmless and unknown chemistry professor...
It was something which F'mos was forced to delay because of eventful Etzos with its distracting Shadows and hostilities with Sirothelle. It was also something F'mos decided he could delay no longer if he wanted to remain in the Fence's good graces. He may have taken up the bounty on...
Standing in the small Courtyard barefoot Symbri composed herself, teaching fighting wasn’t something she’d initially latched onto but if there was one good way to know if you’d learned something, it was to teach it. So she’d reluctantly agreed to become a teacher. People wanted...
It had been some time since Fridgar had so brutishly punished the evil-doer that shot Danielle and made short work of his guts. The evil doer that been revealed as a friend of Paplo's, a somewhat crippled Avriel with only one wing. He didn't know the name of the creature yet, but hoped to learn in...
There’s just something soothing about nature, living in the city was fine and all but the young woman missed her farm from time to time. She wasn’t unhappy but she wasn’t content if she didn’t often walk among the trees outside the walls. As she walked she pondered as she had taken to doing, there...
Ashan 92, arc 717
Yes, my faithful warrior. I am so very sorry to impose such disgrace upon you, but being aware of the current mood in that town, I know this will truly determine the merits of the one I hope to find still worthy. There were elements of both amusement...
Shadows upon the wall flickered and danced as they faded in and out of existence, the flame battling them viciously for control of the nearby cavern wall. With each movement of his arm, the fire would lay claim to a new position, the...
Ymiden 1, 717
A Tavern Just Outside of Etzos
Everyone had enemies.
It was the inevitable nature of free will that there would be those who were diametrically opposed to one’s own views on life. Law constantly fought against crime, and justice...
10th Ashan 717
Previously that trial...
A goose. Fridgar's second ever totem since losing everything was a freaking goose. Excluding his self totem of course. He carried the 'beast' in his arms, strange enough, he wasn't hungry anymore. Still...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=123&image_id=5510 Continued from here .
Ashan 40, Arc 717
The Mortalborn had chosen to travel to Etzos after the events in Oscillus because it was the city that was most likely to offer him shelter and the only one that, to his knowledge, openly opposed the...
Evil came in many different forms. There were those who would slip past your defenses and steal all of your possessions, but simultaneously refuse to wound or harm. Alternatively, there were those who would encounter you on the...
Whining at her breast Treasure eagerly licked Lorena's face, nuzzling her to be free from her arms to run around the hundreds of people and bite their shoes. It had been a long journey, and the pup had been so confined to the boat...
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