Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Saun 8, 717
Sighing Kyin dragged himself out of bed, It seems to be another day of bull shit, until he has an idea. This idea requires him to have access to a smiths forge, that means Kyin needs a job. It is probably for the best, Kyin had been running out of money anyways. He remembered the...
A lot had changed since Doran had arrived in Etzos the season before. He no longer had to hide his true intentions and his dislike of the Immortal of Hope and those that served him. In Rynmere they would likely have arrested him...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=9542 ⌘ Common ⌘ Rakahi ⌘ Euthic Sign ⌘ Grovokian ⌘
11th of Saun, 717
Sharpened nails, clawlike in their hardened beauty, dug into the slabs of dried meat, tearing each piece into thin lines. Navyri’s blue eyes danced upon the crowd, chewing a salted strip...
Neronin ignored the hungry moans of the Maimers chained to the far wall. He kept the gaunt creatures there when he meant his mind to focus on other things. The cave held that dank smell of old...
The previous trial...
11th of Ashan, 717
10th Break
Everything was in place, and today was the trial.
Paplo, hiding in an alley, made the last arrangements. Closing his eyes, he’d focus on his looming hunger, which always crept around his mind – usually being the only thing he really felt....
Having a little helper, the Mortalborn had realized, was great when it came to cleaning equipment, but it was definitely not conductive to more complicated alchemical research. The arrival of one Finn O’Connor, a cheeky little thief...
14th Trial of Saun, Arc 717
Etzori Museum of Art and History, Underground Vaults
“Are you sure you are well, Nero?” Tabard said as he collected the small wooden box from the vault. The vault, vault forty-five, housed ancient weapons whose powers not even Tabard was sure of, or so he claimed....
Step Right Up!
An Etzos EVENT
Ymiden 41, arc 717
The loud ringing of the bell surely drew nearby folks to the small open courtyard; word of mouth making its way to the ears of the rest. It was mid-morning of the 41st trial, and the exuberance of...
There was a strange semblance of order that had integrated itself in the heart of the hybrid throughout his time upon Idalos, and though he had long since abandoned any pretense of following the law, he still attempted to hold to an...
Finn O'Connor :: 3rd Ashan, 717
Nightfall was close by the time that Finn stumbled upon the cave. He had not meant to find it, but he had wandered as usual, and this time, he had wandered too far. The city was still visible in the distance, even...
Several breaks had come and gone since Mara had been able to leave work. And still, she waited. The shadows crept longer, their spindly fingers reaching out as if to swallow any last vestiges of light that remained in the workshop....
Finn O'Connor :: 10th Ashan, 715 - Etzos Archery Range, Noon.
It was just past noon by the time Finn arrived at the Etzos archery range. He’d expected it to be more busy around that time, but aside from a handful of citizens and Black Guard...
Neronin arrayed the faintly glowing gemstones, the wells, across the newly repaired tabletop in Noth's cavern. The Mongrel had kindly carted down three bodies for Neronin's use. He was still recovering from the confrontation with...
Neronin stood up straight, feeling his back crack satisfyingly as he did so. He tilted his head left and then right, hearing more satisfying cracks. He had spent the better part of the last break bent over the corpse laying on the wooden table in...
Nightshade stared down the letter clutched in her hands. The fat envelope that held the final words her father had addressed to her was terrifying in all honesty, and she couldn't begin herself to think of why. Her knuckles were starting to turn white, but that was beside the...
Scum were plentiful. For many Arcs there had been those who had taken part in vicious raids against their foes, stealing their treasures, and murdering their families in order to suit some need to serve their country. Others had decided...
Neronin had been exhausted from the events of the past few days. He held spent wholly too much time down at Noth’s cave, or gallivanting around the outskirts of the city hunting Gavrel with Kovic. Neronin hadn’t seen hide nor hair of...
Saun was an unbearable season. The atrocious heat which embodied the majority of the season threatened to wrap about every aspect of life. Simply stepping into the sight of the two great suns looming overhead was enough to make someone...
19th Trial of Saun, 717 Arc
Farmlands outside of Etzos
They had grown in power. He and Noth and their small faction they called Al’Angyryl. They had become a more secure entity and recovered slightly since the near disaster that was their attempt to rescue the Don. Neronin hadn’t brought out his...
The pain was an incessant plague on his mind. The Etzori mage liked to think of himself as disciplined, but this wilted his otherwise strong resolve not to show suffering. Neronin winced and groaned as he tenderly touched the stop in his leg that had been...
717 Arc, 23rd Trial of Cylus
Al'Angyryl Cavern
The mage tucked his hands under his armpits as he walked. He had vaguely remembered the way to the hills that housed the cavern Kovic had taken him to to meet to bird, Noth. Now he walked alone through...
Evaryin Kervoth had never been a kind man. Never in his life did he think about others and it was rare he gave any consideration to those who weren't of the Avriel species. Through and through he was a pure blood, raised and steeped in the horrible biases of his people. If you'd...
The sun just barely reaching over the horizon shone in a color that was best described as a vibrant crimson. A thin cloud hung heavy, the air thick with its smokey scent. There was no denying what such a scene could entail, it was Saun. I swear, I'd rather be caught out in the...
The sunlight beamed down angrily and violently, Saun already getting into full swing. As luck would have it Night wouldn't have to deal with such things today. As luck would not have it, that meant desk work for most if not the entire day. True, it was a blessing not to have to be...
Neronin had taken a day to get back to Etzos. He had snuck into a farmer's hayloft and slept for four restless breaks once he could no longer make out where the city was. That monstrous turtle had shook him to his core. The...
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