Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
“Keep up. I’m not going to come looking for you if you get lost,” said Clover. The blond Etzori glanced over her shoulder. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the wrist of the tall biqaj who was about the same age as her. “Llywelyn! Are you listening to me?!”
717th Arc, #th Trial of Cylus
Etzos Farmlands
The desperation in the act did not elude him. He knew it was risky and almost insane. The necromancer was getting to the point where risk was mitigated by ability. He could kill most who would wander...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=41&image_id=5508 /gallery/image.php?album_id=41&image_id=5504
5th of Cylus, Arc 717
Valyeria sat, large gloves covering her hands as she opened up the enclosure and removed one of the spiders carefully. The Scolor Spiders were rare, and not commonly used for anything....
City walls or not, Etzos was a loop within a loop within a loop within a… and Llyr could have sworn he had managed to go east, when he realized maybe he’d actually gone south, and wasn’t the ramp that had been leading to the commercial ring that way...
Wage Requests
Well, I guess it is time to officially launch the new system.
If I understand correctly, this topic is really only for RP purposes now.
It WILL establish approval, by yours truly, to occupy a job position at some location in...
Date: Arc 719, 68th trial of Ymiden
Time: 14th Break
Location: Etzos
Alex leaned back against the post, her eyes flicking across the crowd gathered and milling around the Bounty Board. As the last time she was here, she was hoping to find someone. She tossed her hair back over her...
He opened the door and the three children flooded Ulric with their emotional energy. - The Dragon Rises Part 4
83 Ymiden 719 | Ulric | Elyria in the Etzos area
Ulric and Arthur had left the children in the ruin that was Gulltown so they could go and kill the parent-murdering bandits hiding...
Eyes of blue, and lips black with old blood, Hazel stared at the biqaj until he got the sense of being watched by something that might be a threat. Thus, he woke with a startle, still not used to seeing her there. His heart raced and she could almost feel the flow of his quickened...
When Llyr had first arrived to the coast of Foster's Landing, past all of the crisis and urgency of finding his way in a new land that was beset by plague and immortal aggression, he'd wondered how he would make ends meet. It was a concern, however, that he could ignore for a...
⌘ Running....that's all she could hear was the sound of herself running, the pounding of her feet against the sickened ground. Accompanying her footsteps was the sound of something giving chase behind her. There was definitely more than one behind her.
'I'm going to talk to them.' Ulric said as his essence fused with the door and his hand began to slip through. - The Dragon Rises Part 3
83 Ymiden 719 | Ulric | Gulltown in the Etzos area
Conveying your entire body through a doorway seemed like an easier task than it turned out to be. Ulric...
83 Ymiden 719 | Ulric | Gulltown in the Etzos area
Ulric swung the stick in his soft fleshy hand slowly as he tried to get a feeling for the weight of it. Weight seemed to relative now that he was dead. He didn't really use his strength to lift things, he used his ectoplasm to move them. When he...
He looked at the alley around themselves once more, allowing his mind to slip back to when they had first come to Gulltown. The first time he and Arthur had sparred in this alley. - The Dragon Rises Part 1
26 Cylus 706 | Ulric | Gulltown in the Etzos area
Five horses beat along the path...
79 Ymiden 719 | Ulric | Etzos, Northwestern Civilian Housing
This time I will remain in control regardless of your comfort. We need to see exactly what I can do while I'm in your body. Ulric tried to explain without making it sound as...
79 Ymiden 719 | Ulric | Etzos, Northwestern Civilian Housing
So much pain and suffering had come into Idalos in such a short span of time. At the beginning of the season many thought magic would be taken forever only to find it returned to them some thirty odd trials later. Yet that had meant...
Llyr hadn’t thought the northern lands would get this much rain so close to Saun. For whatever reason, the southerner had thought because the nearby forests hardly had any vines, and because there weren’t as many murky swamps, that rain simply was...
83 Ymiden 719 | Ulric | Gulltown in the Etzos area
In life there was color. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and fire was a wonderful mixture that was pretty fairly summarized in the color orange. In death things were cast in shades of black and white both literally and metaphorically until...
Maude had taken her time preparing the bow and tuning the fiddle. The tavern keeper was starting to feel that it was enough. He was paying her for playing, not to sit there and make...
Born The Seventh Saun
3rd Saun 719 in a small local tavern in Etzos
Maude Coaley played for the living and she played for the dead, but mostly for herself. These days she also played for the undead, as Etzos was full of ghosts.
Ymiden 72, 719
Edge of the Southern Housing Quarter
7th Bell
Paxton sipped at the weak mug of beer while he watched the laborers tie down the last of the logs. The portly man preferred the brandies and ports that had become available to him once he had set up shop in the commercial ring, but the...
The smell of smoke roused Llyr awake. He opened one eye, the other remained shut with sleep. At the edge of the narrow bed, Gigi faced away while she recovered her clothes. A cigarette dangled against her rosy lips. The Ryn woman glanced at him. He closed...
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