Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Sorcery was something that Adam dabbled in, but never truly decided to test his limitations within. It was there like a tool in his seduction kit, but he never had tried to become more then what he was a seducer. He'd reached the pinnacle of achievement as a sociologist learning skills beyond the...
Night's feet led her down the familiar path she'd walked enough times to remember well. A torch was clutched in one of her hands while the other was stowed behind her back. Her wings and cloak easily concealed whatever it was that she was trying to hide. Night was allowed to be...
/gallery/image.php?mode=medium&album_id=233&image_id=7232 7th of Cylus, 717
17th Break
The weather was particularly breezy this day as Lecia made her way through the Commercial Ring of Etzos. The twilight made it hard to determine the time but she figured it was sometime in the evening. She...
Jachiel considered the pouch of seed he'd been supplied with. It was oats, of course. It would be, he thought with a grimace. The powers that be wanted farmers to grow nothing but food that could be used in the army. Oats did a double duty in that situation - they filled both a...
It wasn't hard to find his way to the Prime Sanitarium as it was located in the same Tower where the Offices of Employment were. Still something seemed different on the way to the Citizen's Tower...His perception of the world was awefully rose-tinted, sort of...
So this is what Adam had been reduced too, a spy for Vuda to unearth the seekers secrets. Alas how he would have adored a position as some kind of bdsm dungeon master but all good things come to those that wait. However duty calls and he found himself thrust crotch first into the...
4th trial of Ymiden, Arc 715
Yeah, I see her, Rake purred lustfully. It was short for 'Rayekell', a name he'd always felt was too smooth and feminine for a man. But the woman he was spying on through his Highmark, Warrel's, spyglass was certainly...
Ethas Droc stared at the city he had entered. My immortals. Etzos, he said. He began walking, but ran into someone. Sorry! Ethas apologized.
No, no. It's all right. The person he had run into was a girl, maybe twelve or thirteen arcs old. I'm Lana.
Welcome to Etzos, Ethas. Lana giggled,...
717th Arc, 2nd Trial of Cylus
The Underground, Etzos
Cylus brought out all manner of dark pursuit. It was like a shroud that claimed the open for the nefarious. It was an acquisition of territory that would otherwise belong to the good and the well...
“The smell reminds me of home.” The half breed noted as the scent of smoke mixed with the clean oxidized smell of the snow. You could always tell when it was snowing or about to snow, it had such a lovely scent. The memory didn't bring her back to the times spent in the Master's...
Only a few trials had passed since the twilight hybrid’s last interaction with the man-eater known as Paplo Ynush. He had shown him incredible things, unfathomable abilities that he had not considered even remotely possible, except...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=161&image_id=4363 /gallery/image.php?album_id=161&image_id=4371 45th of Zi'da, 716
8th Break
Nnngh... The first signs of life were beginning to crawl back into her body. Of the course of the last two breaks she had been flinching more and responsive to the people that...
This is not to be confused with the Players' Development Forum.
Again, this is NOT for newly proposed ideas, begging for approval.
This is where the approved entries go.
Like the Flora topic, this will include critters from Rhakros to Sirothelle, Ocean to ocean.
There may...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=161&image_id=4363 56th of Zi'da, 716
12th Break
Halt! Stop right there!
Tirta stood still, her back turned on the man that had just commanded her to stop. It had taken her far too long to get here. On top of that, she had spent too long attempting to find her...
716th Arc, 50th Trial of Zi'da
Lands outside of Etzos
Straw fell chaotically from Neronin's hands. The yellow stuff fell from the wheelbarrow in a lazy sort of way. He had only used the old straw to cover the bones that he brought with him. He had...
716th Arc, 75th Trial of Zi'da
The Museum of Art & History, Etzos
Head Curator Tabard droned on as he jangled the key from the lock to the Rooms. He and Neronin had just come up from the dark, hidden space below the museum. They stood next to each...
It was the heat, it had to be. Or… if not the heat - for her time on the seas could hardly be described as cold - it was the humidity. On land, where there was no powerful wind, as it was found on the sea, the air felt stagnant. A putrid smell of decomposing waste...
Cylus was never a happy time. The Master always became excessively more stressed. As Night had quickly learned a stressed Master usually meant extra beatings and aggression. Depending on how upset the master was she could quite easily end up with even worse than usual. The littlest...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4094 Mine Raiding Party
Vhalar 123
The cold wind whistled through the streets, biting at any exposed flesh. The sun had risen a while ago, but it didn’t have enough strength to break through the thick layer of clouds hovering above the city. Despite the...
This is not to be confused with the Players' Development Forum.
This is NOT for newly proposed ideas, begging for approval.
This is where the final products go (The bribes go into my pocket, shhhhhh......).
It will allow me to clear out the Dev Forum from time...
Rumors tended to float on the air like dust, they are easy to find and easy to pick up on if only one were to listen. Recently Night had been hearing fearful whispers of a monster in the woods. At first she had assumed monster was just another word for a sighting of Noth. It was true...
716th Arc, 22nd Trial of Zi'da
Etzos, Outer Perimeter
Neronin could not keep the disgust from his face as he watched the two older boys leap out and attack the younger boy and what Neronin presumed was his grandmother. They both carried staves that...
A small girl wandered about the place she knew as home, roughly at the age of five with a lithe body and a curious disposition. She had a nature that often brought trouble to unobservant parents. In her world though her curiosity only brought trouble to herself. Her father had...
Through the fog, the City of Stone finally appeared as a shadowy visage devoid of all detail. Tiny, elegant snowflakes softly descended from the heavens in a stillness that had been all but forgotten. Anticipation of this moment had him smiling ear to ear, filling his body...
As Zi'da progressed the weather only seemed to get more and more bitter. Even if Cylus was still a little ways off, the world seemed to embrace the cold season and grow icy. Of course that left even someone like Nightshade a little upset over the weather. It grew harder to hunt,...
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