The lands past the gates of Yaralon Proper. This vast area includes The Spines, The Cut, The Crags, Maiden's Refuge, Bastard's Grove, Heaven Fall and small villages.
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New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
The 'Company' was late in regrouping after the skirmish at Blackmoor. So the avriel made it back to their den without being harried on the way. This gave them plenty of time to prepare. It might've been a mistake, but Woe didn't want to stage an impetuous chase toward an unknown area. Fool's Run...
As a shadow, the mortalborn pitched forward from the point that the blackened bola hit the first avriel on the wing. He took to the wing, diving below the numerous foes, noticing that there were far more of them than he would've anticipated, and they were all very...
Travelling through the Empire, as uneventful as it might have been, had taught Rakvald a lesson he once knew well but had eluded him since awakening into magic.
Magic had an isolating impact on him, on the whole. While he never felt fenced off from interacting with others, he often felt too...
Woe was busily calculating the amount of nels and wealth he owed Chamadarst. He included the added interest of the Bottomless Chest that was one of his patron's gifts, among the added fortune of being one of CHamadarst's chosen. It was an interesting exercise, cutting into Chamadarst's favor more...
It was said among many of the ignorant and superstitious alike, that Raskalarn had carved a path through the mountains of Yaralon, toward her intended conquests of the early Eternal Empire. Given the straight and narrow passage that was afforded by this carving of the mountains, Woe was almost...
Woe had a premonition on his flight south. Or perhaps it was a stress-induced daydreaming. Whatever the case, it followed the events of his becoming marooned off the coast of Maiden's Refuge, so many arcs ago. He'd made landfall with a miscreant prisoner on the same slave galley that they'd...
Following the results of this thread, which awarded me consequences
The forest of Bastard's Grove always had an imposing, expansive atmosphere, like one could simply exist there as a world unto itself. And for a time it had been sufficient for certain some of the residents. The people partook...
Everyone in the village of Blackmoor had reacted to the sound. It was the kind of noise that one felt in their chest, reverberating in their very bones. Skin turned to gooseflesh. Blood turned cold. Those who didn't freeze found...
Withersfield was well described, as few things could truly grow upon the desolate fields of Fool's Run. The farming terraces of Withersfield appeared to import their soil from more fertile regions, or else treated them differently from the emean and ether corrupted grounds and grasses that covered...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit metus class bibendum, praesent cubilia pretium pulvinar eros maecenas eget fusce mus, nascetur diam semper lectus felis rutrum sed in gravida. Convallis consequat iaculis feugiat risus ante cursus neque placerat libero posuere, tristique primis...
While Doctor Zemos was an accomplished and highly skilled Doctor, with a broad knowledge of surgical methods and medicines, there were certain factors that came into play with his usefulness to the war party. Many expected him to know things, such as medical triage, portioning of care, and...
Not too glad to put Bastard's Grove behind them, Kisaik looked to Winston and sighed. Of course his friend would insist upon not being shut into Chest. There was no arguing, he was free to roam about on the...
Delenda hesitated. Vethril listened to her for once. While she could smell the bodies just about, he could feel them, buried beneath a heap of rocks. The corpses were crawling already with rot. Which meant they'd time to exit judgment. He considered for only a moment...
The air was thick with the energy of the Fracture and the emerald green hue given off by its presence caused everything to take on an eerie green glow. The village ahead of him was, quite frankly, disturbing and more than a little foreboding....
The stench of death, rotting flesh and stale faeces pored off the grotesque creature as it tore at its victim, selfishly coveting the opportunity to eat something small, meaty...
Look at him! The mariner said, jutting his finger out to point at the poorly fed and emaciated and bug-covered form of Zemos. He looks like he could barely lift a plank! How will he ever manage to recover that crew and their cargo?
As he landed inside the fracture, using the jets of fire to push him towards the ground, he grabbed at rocks and roots in what appeared to be a large cavern to help ground himself. He would be weightless for a while yet, so that...
The bright moons of Cylus shone overhead. While Kisaik was sure they'd spent a good amount of time gathering and stocking up on provisions for their trip, he wasn't sure if they'd taken that long. Perhaps the...
While traveling in the current season, Zemos come across a seemingly sick human male with two brands on his face and a silver circle on the back of his hand. His clothing is in tatters, he has no shoes and his feet are...
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