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Information about the city of Rharne.

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[Rharne] Lore

Rharne’s economy, like the city itself, is thriving and full of life. As a centrally located port city, Rharne has access to a wide variety of goods not only to sell within the city itself, but to buy and trade with the rest of Idalos. The Docks are always busy with ship traffic entering and exiting Lake Lovalus, and the constant trade and tourism is generally looked upon with positivity by all but the grouchiest of Rharnians.

Rharne’s imports include common commodities like metals, wood, and livestock, as well as luxuries like gems, fruits, sugar, cocoa, spices, and high-end fabrics. Alcohol is Rharne’s main export: beer, wine, and hard liquor are all popular goods from a city that prides itself on brewing nothing but the very best. Rharne also has a strong wheat, barley, and oats trade, thanks to the abundance of these farms in the Stormlands. Grapes from the vineyards and fine cheese from local farms are other less common exports. Above all else, however, Rharne is able to export goods from any easily accessible city in Idalos. Visiting merchants will often sell their goods in Rharne, and then Rharnian merchants will export these goods to other cities.

The Merchants Guild has a good level of control over both the trade and tourism industry, and regularly petitions the Council to improve relations with different Idalosian cities in order to expand their ability to trade. The guild has their fingers on the pulse of popular goods both within and outside of Rharne and makes every effort to help their members broker trader deals to either supply or acquire said goods.
word count: 274

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[Rharne] Lore

Rharne is largely governed by the Council, which is made up of four people who represent each of the most influential factions within Rharne: the Lightning Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, the Merchants Guild, and the Citizens of Rharne. The Council primarily handles the passing of laws and the appointment of judges. The true ruler of the city is the Immortal Ilaren, but she rarely involves herself in the city’s politics. If, however, the Council takes a vote and it comes to a tie, the deciding vote goes to Ilaren to break the stalemate.

The Council is made up of the following representatives:

1. Commander: The Commander is one of the leaders of the Lightning Knights, and acts as the military representative on the Council. He or she tends to be focused on protecting the city and keeping its citizens safe from both internal and external threat. The position rotates once per arc between all available Commanders.

2. Matriarch/Patriarch: The Matriarch/Patriarch holds leadership over the Thunder Priesthood, and represents the interests of Ilaren and the Immortals War. She is often able to provide a broad perspective, given her faction’s deep interest in world politics.

3. Trade Master: As guildmaster for the Merchants Guild, the Trade Master represents the interests of the city’s businesses. He or she always takes the economic impact of the Council’s decisions into consideration.

4. Voice of the People (The Voice): The Voice is selected by the people of Rharne, often through popular vote, though occasionally through a tournament. They act as a representative for the citizens of Rharne, and speak for the people. Each Voice serves on the Council for one arc or until a vote of no confidence is called by the citizens of Rharne, whichever comes first. Elections are typically held once per arc on the 1st trial of Ashan.

5. Ilaren: The Immortal Ilaren tends not to involve herself in Council decisions, but will act as a tiebreaker when required.

All those born in Rharne are automatically declared free citizens and are treated as such. Should a child be born the child will become a citizen of Rharne and the free parent is given sole custody rights.

Should a non-Rharnian wish to become a citizen of Rharne, they must declare their intent to live in the city at the Council Hall and register as a citizen. While citizenship comes with certain rights and freedoms, it also comes with a literal cost: all citizens must pay the city tax each cycle.

Citizens’ Rights & Freedoms:

1. Every citizen has a right to Rharne’s fundamental freedoms (so long as they do not hurt or encroach on another’s freedoms), namely: freedom of belief, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of association, and freedom of peaceful assembly.
2. A citizen has a right to freedom of religion, so long as their religious views do not conflict with the Immortal Ilaren.
3. A citizen has a right to freedom from detention or imprisonment without just cause.
4. A citizen has a right to freedom not to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment without trial.
5. A citizen has a right to life, liberty, and security of the person.
6. A citizen has a right to vote for the Voice and to serve as the Voice on the Council, should they be elected.
7. A citizen has a right to enter, remain in, and leave Rharne.
8. A citizen has a right to own private property in Rharne.
9. A citizen has a right to marry and choose their own legal partner, regardless of gender.

Non-Citizens’ Rights & Freedoms: Non-Citizens enjoy many of the same rights, so long as they are law-abiding. However, they are not allowed to vote for the Voice nor hold political office.

1. Every non-citizen has a right to Rharne’s fundamental freedoms (so long as they do not hurt or encroach on another’s freedoms), namely: freedom of belief, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of association, and freedom of peaceful assembly.
2. A non-citizen has a right to freedom of religion, so long as their religious views do not conflict with the Immortal Ilaren.
3. A non-citizen has a right to freedom from detention or imprisonment without just cause.
4. A non-citizen has a right to freedom not to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment without trial.
5. A non-citizen has a right to life, liberty, and security of the person.
6. A non-citizen has a right to enter, remain in, and leave Rharne at the express pleasure of Ilaren. Any criminal non-citizens are subject to immediate exile or imprisonment. Any assets they own within Rharne will be seized upon conviction.
7. A non-citizen has a right to marry and choose their own legal partner, regardless of gender.
8. A non-citizen has a right to own private property in Rharne.

word count: 837

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[Rharne] Lore

The Lightning Knights are Rharne’s military force. They handle all aspects of protecting the people of Rharne, from the farms in the Stormland to the banks of the river Zynyx. Though some of the poorer citizens tend to view the Knights with disdain and distrust, for the most part the Knights are seen as men and women who do their best to protect all of Rharne’s citizens.

While the Knights all fight under the same banner, they are divided into different branches to separate out more specific responsibilities.

1. City Guard: The City Guard is the face of the Lightning Knights and employs a force of 5,000 men and women. They deal with any and all issues within the walls of the city. Patrolling, intervening in conflicts, and manning guard stations and the gates of Rharne are all jobs that fall under the responsibilities of the City Guard. Due to the cultural diversity of the city, the Guard is just as diverse, staffed with people from every nation and walk of life. Many of the Guards learn to speak another language to better serve the people of the city.

2. Cavalry: The Cavalry branch is tasked with protecting Rharne's lands and borders from outside threats. At any given time, this branch has 10,000 Knights and consists of a wide variety of roles ranging from archers to mounted cavalry to infantry. Not every member of the Cavalry fights on horseback, but they are all trained for it. Additionally, each member has a trained animal companion (ranging from horses to dogs to hawks, and anything in between) that supports them in the Stormlands.

3. Navy: The city of Rharne has very few vessels of its own. Instead, it relies on an agreement with a biqaj clan known as the Vy'gwar (Weaver of Balance) to help protect the waters of Lake Lovalus and the river Zynyx from any threat of invasion or piracy. Rharne’s Navy staffs the boat with warriors and the Vy'gwar provide the ships and crew, though most of the 4,500 Lightning Knights who wind up on a ship take the time to learn at least some of the skills needed to pilot it.

4. Liaisons: The Lightning Knights are closely allied with the Thunder Priestess faction. Liaison is the name given to the Knights chosen to be paired with a Thunder Priestess. They are pulled from all branches and ranks, though the higher the Knight’s rank the more unlikely they are to be chosen. Liaisons tend to go above and beyond their role as bodyguard and frequently become a Thunder Priestess’ most trusted partner. Because of this, Knights are often selected for skills that complement their partners rather than simply for their overall skill.

All Lightning Knights are most often clad in shining breastplates and leather, but it is not uncommon for a member of the Lightning Knights to don heavier armor from time to time. They wear azure-colored cloaks with their faction’s symbol stitched in silver thread on the back, with a polished silver clasp at their neck. These colors, azure blue and polished silver, are the traditional colors of the Lightning Knights.
word count: 536

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[Rharne] Lore

1. Upon entering one of the gates of Rharne, all blades longer than a generic dagger are required to be peace-bonded. A peace-bonding is a conspicuous lock, tie, or mark which makes or identifies the blades as unusable and shows that the owner’s intentions are purely peaceful.

As of Vhalar 720 the law to peacebind one's weapon is no longer in effect nor enforceable.

2. Any and all disputes may be settled by unarmed combat, as long as all parties are willing. The dispute is settled when one side is unable to continue, or submits defeat. All fights that end in loss of life are subject to review, and if it is found that the death was intended (ie. murder), the offending party will be tried by the Council.

3. All mages must declare themselves at the Gates upon entering the city. They will be issued a document as proof of declaration, and their names will be recorded by the Lightning Knights. Any mage unable to produce their declaration will be detained and fined.

4. Mages must have permission from another person before using any magic on them.

5. No theft. Reports of robbery tend to be treated more seriously than petty theft, but all thefts, big or small, should be reported to a nearby Guard Station or a Lightning Knight on patrol.

6. No extortion. It is against Rharnian law to obtain another’s property or money through the use of physical violence or threats.

7. No assault. Rharne defines assault as an attack, physical or sexual, on another person without their consent. A dispute resolved through unarmed combat is considered assault if all parties are not willing participants.

8. No abduction. It is strictly forbidden to transport or hold another person against their will. This is considered to be on par with murder, given the high value that Rharne places on each citizen’s freedom.

9. No murder. Taking another person’s life in any situation other than self-defense is considered to be one of the highest crimes in Rharne. All those accused of murder in court must prove their innocence or face immediate execution.

10. No outside espionage. Spies are treated as a serious threat, given Rharne’s support of Ilaren in the Immortals’ War. The city is particularly concerned and guarded against spies sent by Faldrun and Sirothelle.

11. No piracy. Piracy has more recently become a problem for Rharne, as their reputation as a trading hub has become more solidified over the arcs. River pirates are the most common scourge, given the length of the River Zynyx and the large number of trade ships that traverse the river on a daily basis. The Lightning Knights and the Merchants Guild have a very low tolerance for pirates and take any reported pirate attacks quite seriously.

12. No buying or selling of slaves. Rharne does not have any legal slave auctions and does not trade in slaves. Visitors are not allowed to bring their slaves into any civilized areas in Rharnean Territory.

13. No taming, capturing, or killing of a Zephyrus. Use of the Zephyrus as a mount is considered the explicit domain of the Lightening Knights and the Thunder Priestesses/Priests.
word count: 540

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[Rharne] Lore

Crime & Punishment
Any person found with an unbonded blade will be fined, and/or jailed depending on the offense. This peacebonding blades law will not be in effect any longer, as of Vhalar 720
Mages who use magic without declaring themselves will be incarcerated for no less than ten trials.
Using magic on unwilling individuals results in a court trial, with the guilty party being either exiled or executed.
Theft is punishable by a fine or time in prison, maximum of three arcs. Fines and prison time depend on the severity of the theft.
Extortion is punishable by either five arcs in prison or exile. The choice is given to the criminal.
Assault is punishable by a fine or time in prison, maximum of five arcs. Fines and prison time depend on the severity of the assault.
Abduction is punishable by life in prison, and depending on the condition of those taken the penalty can be more severe, up to and including the death penalty.
Murder is punishable with immediate execution upon sentencing.
Espionage is punishable by interrogation, followed immediate execution upon sentencing.
Piracy is punishable by up to five arcs in prison, in addition to the punishments for any other crimes they may have committed (ie. theft, murder, extortion, etc). All those found guilty of piracy are branded with a skull on their right arm.
Buying and/or Selling of Slaves is punishable by a hefty fine and exile from the city.
Taming, Capturing, or Killing a Zephyrus is punishable by a large fine or time in prison, maximum of five arcs.

Pre-trials in Rharne can take some time, as the city guard prefers to have all the evidence they can get before an accused person is brought before the court. Once the court has begun, the trials themselves tend to be fairly short. If the accused cannot provide counter-evidence to prove their innocence, then they are immediately sentenced.

All trials for high crimes (ie. murder, abduction, piracy, and magic performed on unwilling individuals) are presided over by the Council, and their vote determines the accused’s innocence or guilt. More common crimes are decided by appointed judges.

The most common form of execution in Rharne is sometimes considered by outsiders to be unexpectedly cruel for the city’s otherwise genial attitude. The city’s residents feel that if execution is warranted, a quick death will not suffice. Criminals sentenced to be executed are taken to the docks at low tide and tied to the lowers point of the docks. When the high tide comes in, the criminal will drown. At the next low tide, the criminal’s body is removed and burned.
word count: 445

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[Rharne] Lore

Lightning Knights
The Lightning Knights are Rharne’s military force. They handle all aspects of protecting the people of Rharne, from the farms in the Stormlands to the banks of the river Zynyx. Though some of the poorer citizens tend to view the knights with disdain and distrust, for the most part the Knights are seen as men and women who do their best to protect all of Rharne’s citizens.

Within the Faction there are three core branches, each specializing in protecting a certain area of Rharne. The City Guard is by far the most well known and is dealt with by the common folk. The Cavalry is Rharne’s standing military force, and the Navy is a collaborative effort between the city and the Vy’gwar, a Biqaj clan, to protect the lake and river. There is also a fourth branch, called the Liaisons, which pulls Knights from the three core branches in order to pair with and protect members of the Thunder Priestess faction.
word count: 166

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[Rharne] Lore

Thunder Priestesses
The Thunder Priesthood are one of the three most powerful factions in the city of Rharne. This once women-only faction was created by Ilaren’s first female Champion during the 280th arc to unite the Immortal’s supporters. Their overarching directive is to govern religion in Rharne, gather intelligence across Idalos, and advance Ilaren’s goals in the Immortals War. There are between 1500-1600 active Priestesses spread throughout Idalos at any one time, with about 600-700 of those living in Rharne. In the Arc 722 of the Hot Cycle, it was decided unilaterally by Ilaren that males should also be allowed entry into the Priesthood.

Within Rharne, the Thunder Priestesses are viewed as Ilaren’s eyes and ears. It is rumoured that they see all and know all through their network of sisters spread across the many regions of Idalos, and many Rharnians see them as the city’s champions and protectors. If the Lightning Knights are the city’s sword, then the Thunder Priestesses are the city’s shield.

The sisterhood is split into four branches, each with its own specialization. The Clerics oversee religion, the Healers provide medical aid to their sisters and the city, the Emissaries act as ambassadors for Rharne, and the Monks act as Ilaren’s personal agents. While the Priestesses in each branch have varying skillsets, the faction is widely known for its prowess in Unarmed Combat, regardless of specialization. All sisters are taught defensive combat skills in order to protect themselves and each other should the need arise.
word count: 259

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[Rharne] Lore

Merchants Guild
The Merchants Guild is a professional organization of Rharnian business owners. They wield a significant amount of influence in Rharne thanks, in part, to their collective wealth, and they are one of the three most powerful factions in the city. The guild’s Trade Master is a member of the Council and frequently petitions them to makes decisions or changes that are in the interest of the guild’s members.

There are three distinct ranks within the Merchants Guild: Wood, Iron, and Diamond. Rank implies skill and experience, and higher-ranking members frequently benefit from an improved business reputation and profit margin. Every business belonging to the Merchants Guild has a symbol on its sign or door to publicly convey its ranking. Wood Merchants use the symbol of a hatchet, Iron Merchants use the symbol of an anvil, and Diamond Merchants use the symbol of a diamond gem.

Along with being a faction for business owners, the Merchants Guild also runs the prestigious Rharne Bank and makes significant contributions to Rharne’s coffers. The guild donates nel to the Thunder Priesthood and the Lightning Knights in times of need, constructs public buildings and roads, and contributes to the city’s overall maintenance. It publicly employs people to work in their administrative offices at the Guild Hall, and privately employs mercenaries and guards to accomplish tasks ranging from guarding shipments to quiet intimidation (though this has never been proven).
word count: 239

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[Rharne] Lore

Shadow Quarter
The Shadow Quarter is not a physical area of Rharne that one can wander through. It is a section created by whispers and rumours inspired off the networking and multiple coverups that Kingpins of Rharne use to stay wealthy and out of prison. It is comprised of criminals and cultists who slither within the shadows using blackmail, bribery, and/or underhanded tactics to retain what they desire. Those that try to involve themselves in the Shadow Quarter usually wind up clueless or missing.

It’s not recommended for anyone to waltz around Rharne asking where to find the closest dirty money maker. The Shadow Network is a secret among trade as even the Merchants Guild will not share the names nor whereabouts of these people and associated parties. Repercussions are interlocked with the opportunity of knowing such information and oftentimes involves a few bodies popping up here and there. However, if one is smart about who they associate with, they may find themselves in front of a Kingpin striking up a deal. It’s all in who you know and how you play the game that will give you access to the Shadow Network.
word count: 195

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[Rharne] Lore

Order of the Adunih
The Order of the Adunih is known for being one of the world's largest factions of healers and seeks to promote health and wellness throughout the vast lands of Idalos. It is rumored that the Order was established even before the war between Immortals and the near extinction of humanity overtook the world. Some say the faction was originally formed by a group of travelers who withstood many obstacles and became famous for their great deeds, going by the alias 'The Adunih'. Others say they were a group of priests housed in the mountains that were burned away upon Faldrun's arrival.

The Order has a branch located in Rharne's Earth Quarter and often collaborates with other factions or healers during city disasters or times of need. Rharne tends to look favourably on these faction members and welcomes them into the city, especially because many of the Order’s female members are also part of the Thunder Priestess’ Healing branch. With a city filled with fighters, there is a never-ending need for healers - and the Order certainly does their part to provide support.
word count: 189

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