• Closed • We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

8th of Cylus 718

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

He was afraid for her, her, for him and so it went around. Faith felt his emotions, he felt hers and they both knew. He felt responsible for her already being taken once and the attempt which had led to the premature birth of their children. She, in turn, felt bad for the same. It was like the time that Sintih had stepped forward and grabbed her on the shoulders, pressing his fingers in and bruising her. Padraig had blamed himself for not protecting her and she had blamed herself for not stopping him in the first place. At least, she considered, they were consistent. Consistently daft, perhaps, but consistent nonetheless.

Soon he said and Faith glanced at him. It said all she had to say, that glance and considering that all she'd managed when they'd agreed to have children was 'oh' and her response to him telling her he loved her was that she'd wash up, she thought that the look she gave was probably progress. Her smile at his reaction to armour plated pajamas was genuine, and she nodded. "Practical, safe and comfortable. I love efficiency." She beamed at him and then added, because she felt it needed saying. "And you. I love you." That was probably too far, though, she worried. After all, she rarely said that and she felt most strongly that people used it too quickly. But now, if she reassured him that she didn't think they were going to die, he'd think that she did. Or that they might. So she looked at him, calmed herself and held his gaze just for a few trill. That said all they needed.

All of those things, those worries about what they might think or say or fret about in the future changed the very moment they saw Alexander. Faith felt cold, truly cold as she saw him, but not even Padraig's hand-made explosive did it. She knew that, she was sure that she knew that, before the dust cleared but it was still a shock when he was still there and yet they both moved in unison. His blessing from Qylios meant that they worked together better, oh so much better than they would otherwise and the armband on her arm, and the two on his glowed. As Alexander stepped forward, he aimed his sword straight at Padraig, a smile on his face even though half the flesh of it was missing. She had to stop it, she knew she had to and yet, Faith felt herself move as though through treacle. Stepping forward, she raised her sword to deflect his blow, but she did very little.

What she did, though, was enough. Enough to make him move from the thrust which would have taken Padraig straight through the throat to the feeling of Alexander's sword piercing his shoulder even as his own blade sliced through the vile creature's neck. Padraig had the skill, there was no doubt, but he didn't quite have the strength to push through and for a brief moment, they were at an impasse the three of them. Alexander had his sword literally embedded in Padraig's shoulder, pierced right through and Faith winced as she realised that the pain must be unbearable. Padraig's sword was equally embedded half way into Alexander's neck and Faith knew that she had to do something without distracting Padraig from what he needed to do. Slicing off his head was what they needed, she hoped, but last time the beast had regenerated and so Faith sliced down his chest, aiming her sword to stick in there, opening up the wound and revealing the glowing well within. She could deal with that, she would have to deal with that and so, she let go of her sword. If Padraig needed a spare, it was there. If he didn't, it was an irritant.

Alexander, meanwhile, smiled at Padraig and, with a snarl, he twisted the sword in the scholar's shoulder.
word count: 676
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

Faith stepped in just as Padraig had hoped, had known she would. But equally as expected, they'd ended up in a three way standoff. It wouldn't surprise him, once he got the opportunity to look back on it. Alexander's abilities, his very make up and way of being was unnatural. Padraig had thought once before that they'd killed him but it wasn't the case. The wound he bore now across his throat, deep in his throat should have been the end. But it wasn't.

Faith did a great deal of damage to Alexander, and on his own behalf, including having prevented an injury that would have meant the last of him. And still Alexander didn't fall and in fact they were tangled up in such a way that a move in any direction could be a fatal one. Padraig gritted his teeth against the pain from a sword tip planted into his shoulder, but refused to fall back. It was sheer force of will and the knowledge that if he did, Faith would be left exposed to another attack.

His vision was swimming, he felt lightheaded and nauseated, but ignored it all, roaring with the pain through clenched teeth as he tightened his grip on his blade already against Alexander's throat, pushed back against the man, and carried through with the motion to cut through the man's neck completely and cut him off at the head. And he wouldn't stop and stumble back, till he'd finally done it.
word count: 259
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

The sight of Alexander's sword in his shoulder was nearly her undoing. She knew what pain he was in, not from their shared links or any such, but by the look on his face, the sudden pallor of his skin and the way that his teeth clenched together. But they couldn't afford to stop, couldn't begin to pause or take the time needed to feel all the things they both felt. They just had to get on with killing this bastard and destroying everything he stood for. Every last thing.

Padraig let out a roar of pain, though Alexander didn't make a sound even as they both sliced into him. Padraig's blow alone should have been enough to kill the abomination, but it was not. As she heard Padraig's roar, she knew that it was pain and fury and determination all mixed up together for him. He would stand firm with her or he would fall, but he would not step back. Alexander knew it too and he returned the gesture in kind, pushing his blade against Padraig. Any movement Padraig made hurt himself more, as well as Alexander. Faith, without pause, reached in to the gaping hole in his chest and she did so with a yell of desperation, fury and fear all mingled together in the taste in her mouth.

Faith was a medic of no small skill, one of the most talented surgeons and doctors Idalos had seen and she knew what she had to do and where she had to push in order to get to someone's heart. Not that he had one. No, he was kept alive by necromancy and the creature that he was, the power of that was in this well, where his heart should be. Faith grabbed hold of it and realised with a flash of panic that she was simply not strong enough. So, instead, she used her Famula-granted power, Sever The Imposter. Last time she had tried it with Alexander, it hadn't worked fully but it had hurt, and she didn't have hold of his "heart". So she used it.

And he screamed. It didn't kill him, or sever the link, but it fought it, almost disrupted it and that was enough, just for a split trill for Padraig to be able to push through. Which he did and, as Alexander's head finally disconnected, there was silence for a moment.

"Padraig!" Faith moved, her arms wrapping around his waist, half hugging him and almost holding him up. The wound in his shoulder was deep and unpleasant and in the final push from him, it had torn through him even more. Blood was pouring and Faith clicked over into medic. "Sit. Sit here. I've got you." She put her hands on his shoulder, putting pressure either side and she smiled a brief, tight smile. "I'd do anything rather than hurt you, but this is going to hurt. I'm sorry." She pulled Alexander's sword from him, as quickly and cleanly as she could. What that did, of course, was let the blood really flow and Faith clamped her hands on him and pushed, putting a LOT of pressure as she started to glow a pale green-yellow colour and a mist of the same surrounded her. "Stay still. Stay still. There we go... now, this will tingle." Using Moseke's Light, this ability had grown since Moseke had granted her a second level of her blessing and Faith concentrated, forcing the healing to happen. She kept going, until it was healed enough that he was no longer bleeding. "How does that feel?" They were both covered in blood and as Faith raised her gaze to look at him, every emotion that she felt was apparent in her eyes as they were felt through the shared links.
word count: 650
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

He wasn't a killer by trade or by nature. He wasn't even a medic, which might have given him a little more insight. But Padraig hadn't been prepared for how difficult it was to slice through and remove Alexander's head from his body. The sword he'd been handed was sharp enough. So could be, the unnatural state of the man meant that it was much more than slicing through ordinary flesh and bone. Either way, it was gruesome business and under other circumstances, Padraig would have been repelled by it.

Not in this instance however. Ending Alexander meant ending the threat to Faith, to their children. And from a selfish and more personal perspective, it meant escaping, maybe, the agony of having the man's sword run through his shoulder. And yet Alexander managed to give the blad an extra, cruel twist before he was done. But in spite of being half blinded by pain, Padraig refused to let up or stumble back until it was done. With his last breath if necessary. But then suddenly he lurched back and landed on his backside while Alexander's head rolled to the floor and his body collapsed.

"Uggggh!" he shouted, as much as a way to get his wits about him as a response to the pain itself. And then he howled from it again as Faith did what she needed to do. She did it well though, just as expected, and the worst of it didn't last long. It did leave him exhausted however. Better than slowly bleeding to death, however, or already well on his way. "Better. It's better," he reassured her, reaching up to pat her arm, while testing the strength he'd need to get back up on his feet. It was then, after a few bits had passed, that he looked at what had been Alexander. Something wasn't quite right about that. "Something's happening," he said, gesturing in that direction. "Trying to put himself back together, I think."
word count: 341
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Faith said, as he howled in pain. "I don't have time to kiss you or hug you or any of the things I want to do because you're bleeding all over the place and I have no medical kit." She pushed hard on the wound and poured her healing power into him, whispering her prayer to Moseke as she did, asking for Her blessing, that this healing work, thanking Her for all the gifts given. It worked and, whilst it did not close the wound completely, his shoulder was healed enough that he wasn't going to bleed to death. Not on her watch. Faith breathed out in relief as she looked at the wound, and then glanced down at him as he patted her on the arm. "I'm glad we're not resorting to panic," she said, dryly, as she considered that he had never, not once, patted her arm before and it would be a long time before he did it again, she hoped.

"Stay seated. You've lost a lot of blood. We'll rig something up, see if I can give you some of mine," she said and was quite serious. He could argue all he liked, too, if he needed blood, she had some to spare. But while she sat, kneeling next to him and with her hand on his wrist, feeling his pulse, Faith looked at Padraig with a medics gaze and a wife's worry. He was fine, injured but nothing that wouldn't heal. It would probably scar, but then it did what it did. "Keep your arm still," she said as he tried to move, and then realised that she sounded very bossy. "Please," she added. "My apologies. No excuse for a lack of manners."

Not in any circumstance. But then he spoke about Alexander and Faith turned to look. "You're right," she said and she frowned. After just a few moments of watching, she could see it. He was regenerating, albeit slowly. "That's fascinating," she whispered. "If we could but find a way to encourage cells to do that, without... alright. Stopping now." She smiled slightly, albeit with no humour at all and looked at the creature. "I need to cut him open, and get out what is where his heart should be," their lives weren't like other people, Faith considered and she put her hand on Padraig's cheek. "Stay here, I'm just going to do that. Eat something, if you can, from what you found." He needed the energy, she said.

Then, she picked up the sword she'd made for herself, handed it to him and then she went about the job of pulling out the soulstone from in the center of Alexander's being. She was a surgeon, among other things, and she went about her job with a surgeon's skillset. But what really became apparent was that Faith had worked for a long time as an undertaker. This place was again full of the tools she needed and so, with a scalpel she cut him open, then used the correct tools to crack his sternum and finally pushed his ribs open. There was no hesitation, she did it as easily as he would fill a vial with liquid and add in another, drop by drop. It was something she had done a lot of times. There was no blood, of course, for Alexander had drained himself of that, but that didn't matter because Faith was already covered in it. She was completely unaware of how gruesomely efficient she was and she used a scalpel to ensure that she sliced clean and efficient strokes until she pulled out the stone. "If what I have read is accurate," she said and then, in front of them, the body simply stopped regenerating.

She watched it, for a few bits, like she couldn't pull her eyes away and then she whispered in a shaking voice. "Is it true, Padraig? Is it... oh," the scalpel which she'd held so calmly and dispassionately moments before dropped from her suddenly shaking hands and Faith looked down at the body of the creature who had tortured her so and she felt tears start to fall. Turning away from him, she moved to her husband and clung on to him, suddenly unsure what to do.
word count: 739
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

Padraig probably wasn't going to bleed to death, he could agree that was true. Assuming he had the wherewithal to reason it through. It was the reason and logic bit that was currently giving him trouble. He hadn't lost enough blood to lose consciousness, but he was feeling dizzy, weak, nauseated suffice to say he wouldn't have been able to solve any complex mathematical equations for the time being. But the rest? "No," he agreed with an almost drunken grin. "No panic."

When she told him to stay put, but then apologized for being bossy, he grinned again, just a little. "Never fear. I don't think I could not stay seated if I was to try." He did have the presence of mind however to maintain that he'd rather she not sacrifice any of her own blood for his sake. She'd already given it to create lock picks and weapons. He'd be fine. He just needed a few bits to catch his wind. It would be nice of course if other things could regenerate the way that Alexander did. Although in truth, he pointed out, some creatures did to some extent or another.

Deer could regrow their antlers. Starfish their limbs. Sea cucumbers could regenerate, well, everything. Lizards and their tails, spiders and their legs, flatworms could multiply. Some species of mice. Albeit all of them more slowly than the unnatural creature laying in bits on the floor nearby. Nonetheless, there was something at the core, something allowing Alexander to come back together so while Faith attended to that, Padraig searched through the things he'd taken from the lab. Dried apples, apricots, bananas. The stuff was vile tasting but sweet and surely would do him some good.

It was a grisly sight, what Faith was doing. Even the sound of it was chilling and it wasn't helping that he was already feeling a little woozy, though definitely improving. Still, it was something Padraig could go without seeing or even hearing again. But when she revealed what was at the core of it all, a little more clear headed now once he'd got the sugar rushing through his system, Padraig frowned curiously. "It reminds me a little of the small stone I found inside the wooden puppet that Alexander sent. It must have been animating the thing, and acting as a spying and listening device."

When Faith came and collapsed into him though, he felt a rush of relief coming with her. It was over. "It's true," he reassured her, wrapping her up tight in his arms. "It's over." Of course there was always the question of how they'd get home, and all sorts of other logistical puzzles. But the main of it remained. It was over.
word count: 469
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

Faith had seen enough people who had experienced blood loss to know when someone was experiencing the impact of it, but how was it that he could be so adorable at the same time? She didn't know and considered that she would examine it later, when she had the time. And, adorably, when he was experiencing blood loss, Padraig Augustin wittered on like he did at no other times. Faith glanced at him and nodded. "Deer regrow their antlers? Really now?" She made the right noises where she had to, said the things she should, where she should and just kept doing what she was doing. It was like listening to the inside of his head, she thought with a slight smile. Like the blood inside him had been acting as a filter between his brain and his mouth and now, that was the first thing to go. She said very little except to make "mhm" noises or the odd "really?" or "fascinating," because he needed to speak right now and she was more than happy to listen.

He ate, which was good and she got on with what she had no idea was a gruesome task. She tended to dead bodies all the time and there was nothing more natural than death, after all, so Faith simply got on with it. "Sorry, love, what?" Was the closest she got even paying it any mind, it seemed, as he said something at the same moment as there was a particularly loud crack of bones.

Yet, for Faith, it was a deeply religious experience. This man had defied Famula, denied Vri and gone against everything that Moseke stood for and still, at the end, he was but mortal and mortals can only die. She murmured the prayers for him and she meant them completely. His was a soul set free, finally, after who knew how many arcs of torture and maiming, done by his own hands. In the seeking of vengence, wrapped in the throes of grief, he had made bad, bad choices and they returned to him now.

"It's a soulstone," she said, softly. "I have to destroy it. To set him free, finally. Let him move on." It was sad, Faith thought, so very sad. But before she could explain, she looked down at her hand as she heard the scalpel clattering to the floor and she realised that she was shaking all over, and that tears were pouring down her cheeks. As the control and discipline which so defined her with almost everyone left her, Faith turned and in that moment, their roles reversed. Padraig, who had been shaky and uncertain, simply wrapped his arms around her and Faith felt her control crumble as she sobbed in his arms. His words, his reassurance calmed her and, after a very few moments she got herself together. "My apologies. I just..." she shook her head, not needing to explain to him because he knew. She lowered her head back to his chest and held on for a few more moments.

"Well," she said, sitting up and looking at him with a slight smile, wiping the tears off her face and examining his with care. "Sitting around here isn't going to get us home. We need to check the other buildings, Padraig. And destroy all of this. All that we can." When they were both ready, not a moment before, and with a more than moderate amount of fussing from her about his shoulder, which she bound up better when she rummaged around and got access to the supplies she needed, they first went through this room. Again, it seemed to be something which was set up as a morgue at first glance, but then it seemed to be focused around twins. Why or how, she didn't know and couldn't begin to guess.

But she tried to get him to let her give him blood, but he wasn't having it. In truth, she was a little drained she had to admit and the use of her Sevrath ability made her feel rather wobbly, as she'd had to use her abilities a number of times. But there was no time for that and so she put the endurance and discipline she had mastered as a slave to use here, and simply got on with it. This room first and then, out into the freezing snow and biting wind, back to the room where they'd been and there, a strange sight. At least half a dozen of the cages - specifically the ones around the entrance and closest to it - now held corpses, some of them seeming to be long dead. But the people in here now? Now they called and asked for help, cried out in despair. Some of them were close to death, most experiencing hypothermia and malnutrition. Faith looked at him, silver eyes in a too-pale face, her in a short cotton nightgown and him in pajamas, both of them soaked with blood and weak and yet they both knew there was only one thing that they could do here. So, she touched her hand to his and they got to work. Healing, helping and feeding people, destroying what they could, collecting up what could be made use of, and through it all Faith found a few things which were particularly interesting. Another bag, like the ones they had already, which was great for putting things in. A glowing orb, two rings and even a cooking pot. Alexander's books, journals, notes and everything went into the Domain Bag and Faith was meticulous and thorough. Then, more than anything, she just wanted to get home to the children, but they had to get the people here safe and that was what they did.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 971
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

Blood loss might have caused him to become a little punchy and loopy, but Padraig was no less the scientist under those circumstances. One with a fascination for all things, well, scientific even under the most pressurized circumstances. "They do indeed," he drawled, regarding deer and their antlers. "Each time with more points than the last, in fact." Unlike lizards that only regrew one tail, when the previous one was lost. The distraction was just as well, given that blood and gore made him a bit squeamish and even at that, when the cracking of bones echoed round the room, his stomach turned over and he thought he might bring back up the dried fruits he'd just eaten.

For Faith it was a religious experience. For Padraig it was nauseating at best, nightmarish at worst. And yet somehow they paired together perfectly. So long as it was her that did the dirty work of sorting the bodily gore. It was a shame that the soulstone needed destroying though. As a scholar, there was always a temptation to study, to poke and prod, to explore. But any chance that the thing would lead to more trouble down the road for them or anyone else, then destroy it she should.

Then though she was in his arms and there as long as she needed to be. "Don't apologize," he said, holding her close and smoothing her hair. "It's been a nightmare from the start. But now it's over." And now they needed to get back home and put it all behind him. But there were things do see to before they did. They'd see to those in the cages first. At least those who'd survived and had suffered as much or much more than anyone else. There was going through each room, searching, then destroying.

Though along the way he couldn't help looking with a scientist's eye, and picking up things that looked interesting, to take back with them. Among those, a set of goggles such as an alchemist or even an explorer might wear. Even if there was nothing special about them, and Padraig suspected there was, they looked useful. And then of course, they could look to returning home, taking the other survivors with them.
word count: 383
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We'll give you freedom from the human trap (Pt. ii)

Your Thread Review is Here!
What a wonderful culmination to quite the long quest arc. I will most certainly have to go back to read those leading up to this. I particularly enjoyed the teamwork you both displayed, both in your posting effects upon one another, as well as the IC teamwork displayed by your PCs. The dialogue was nice and sweet without being overbearing, and I enjoyed the doubt you sowed in their actions. Well done the both of you :)
Pre Review Checklist
Requirement ✓ or X Comment
Approved Character --
Updated Thread List for Previous Season --
Updated Skill Point Ledger (Raw, Adjusted, Thread Earned) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Purse (Seasonal Expense, Wage, Thread deductions) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Renown Ledger & Table for threads ✓✓ --

Requirement Fulfillment Comment+
Solo or Collab Collab +8 Skill Knowledges
How many posts? 9 +6 skill knowledges
How many requested? 9 5 skill knowledges not claimed
Are all posts greater than 250 words? 548 418 564 815 605 661 630 716 939
Is the thread greater than 1500 words? --
Knowledges appropriate? You need to adjust your Blades knowledges to your specific sword type
Loot appropriate? --
Renown appropriate? --
Injuries appropriate? --
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

Code: Select all

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points +15 --
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 0* For freeing and helping all those captured, for destroying a powerful necromancer. However, Faith is maxed out
Injuries Many Tiredness, exhaustion from blood loss, over using of mark ability, a number of minor cuts and bruises etc.
Soulstone x1 Belongs to the Necromancer Alexander, slain by Faith and Padraig
Collection of books and journals x5 books on necromancy and Famula, detailing experiments on twins and other vile-ness including Two Halves of the Same Soul, Famula, Defier or Savior from Death, Putting the Man in Necromancy, Journal 1: My Failures, Journal 2: My Successes
Glowing Orb 1 Renown award, approved in PSF - A small sphere which has sunlight "captured" in it - would provide light in an area as though there was a single window to a bright, sunny day.
Ring 1 Renown award, approved in PSF - A ring with 4 charges per season - each use negates 1 "level" of spell. So, to negate an expert level casting, she has to use three charges, novice uses 1 charge, etc. So in one season she can negate 4 x novice spells, 1 x master spell
Ring 1 Renown award, approved in PSF - A necklace which can, once a trial, create an "air armour" around Faith. I see it as kind of like being "compressed air" and provides whole body armour. It lasts for half a break and is equivalent to wearing plate mail but has no weight etc.
Cooking Pot 1 Renown award, approved in PSF - A large cooking pot which appears to provide almost endless sustenance. In fact, if Faith makes a soup or stew in that pot, once per trial it replenishes itself up to 20 x the amount she made. She must make one pot full first, it is only ever a replication of what was originally made. The pot would normally have enough soup in it to feed 30, so with this, it will take the ingredients etc for feeding 30 and will feed 600.
Gratitude People Freed Every person freed is incredibly thankful to Faith and Padraig for doing so. As such, they will oft be found volunteering their times and efforts to anything Faith needs assistance with, roughly thirty individuals in all.
Title Cage Breaker Those freed by Faith and Padraig have given them both the title of Cage Breaker, and will oft refer to them and about them with that title.
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Intelligence: Gather as much information from where you are before moving on
  2. Investigation: Understanding what has been done can lead to understanding why
  3. Blades: Shortsword: Deflecting a blow to allow another to strike
  4. Blades: Shortsword: Fighting cooperatively requires specific focus
  5. Blades: Shortsword: How to break an impasse of three
  6. Zuuda Mark: Ectoplasmic Blood: Useful in a tight spot
  7. Zuuda Mark: Ectoplasmic Blood: Can drain you of blood too quickly
  8. Zuuda Mark: Sever the Imposter: Works well against soulstones
  9. Zuuda Mark: Sever the imposter: Can distract, even if that's all it does

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Pre Review Checklist
Requirement ✓ or X Comment
Approved Character --
Updated Thread List for Previous Season --
Updated Skill Point Ledger (Raw, Adjusted, Thread Earned) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Purse (Seasonal Expense, Wage, Thread deductions) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Renown Ledger & Table for threads ✓✓ --

Requirement Fulfillment Comment+
Solo or Collab Collab +8 Skill Knowledges
How many posts? 9 +6 Skill knowledges
How many requested? 15 This is 1 more knowledge than allowable. Please select a knowledge to have removed from your requests.
Are all posts greater than 250 words? 270 274 403 536 342 248 328 455 375
Is the thread greater than 1500 words? --
Knowledges appropriate? ✓* *See above
Loot appropriate? --
Renown appropriate? --
Injuries appropriate? --
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

Code: Select all

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points +15 --
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown +20 For freeing and caring for the prisoners and destroying a powerful necromancer
Injuries Several Puncture wound through the shoulder - will leave a scar. But he knows a good medic. Cuts and bruises, blood loss etc.
Goggles 1 Renown Reward, approved via PSF - A pair of spectacles / goggles.When Padraig puts them on, at first they seem to be nothing more than protective eye wear. However, if he holds / touches an item while wearing them and concentrates on it, then he is able to read the impressions and memories on the item. Once per trial, Padraig can use these goggles. The visions Padraig sees / hears when using the goggles show him the history of the object not in a linear time order but with the most emotionally impactful first. The process takes two breaks of concentration per memory and Padraig sees or hears or feels them.
Celarion Ability Bound Tongues (Moderate) The Adored is able to understand and speak one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.
Celarion Ability Lead the Charge The Adored is able to empower and bolster the morale of those who follow them. If the Adored is at the head of any group of individuals, they and any mounts they ride are less likely to flinch during a charge. The number of targets affected by the aura is equal to the Adored's Leadership skill.
Title Cage Breaker Those freed by Faith and Padraig have given them both the title of Cage Breaker, and will oft refer to them and about them with that title.
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Alchemy: Crafting on the fly can lead to unexpected results
  2. Blades: Longsword: Sweeping arc to take off the head
  3. Blades: Longsword: Use combined tactics to force your opponent's hand
  4. Blades: Longsword: How to break an impasse of three
  5. Blades: Longsword: Decapitation strikes require enormous strength
  6. Blades: Longsword: Using your strength to push through an attack
  7. Discipline: Not allowing fear or panic to show
  8. Discipline: Use shouting to focus yourself
  9. Discipline: Continuing to fight while in pain
  10. Endurance: A sword through the shoulder
  11. Endurance: Not giving in to pain
  12. Endurance: Your attacker twisting a blade inside you
  13. Endurance: Blood loss
  14. Strength: Putting all your strength into an attack
  15. Strength: Fighting an opponent who has supernatural strength.

Non-Skill Knowledge:
word count: 1310
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