[Approved by Fate] Illuvia

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Illuvia  [Approved CS]

Name: Illuvia

Nicknames: Ilu, Luvi, Luvia

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Saun 1 705

Languages Spoken:Fluent = Common. Broken = Yari


Outwardly, she projects an image of stoicism and control, a warrior with her gaze fixed firmly on the path ahead. She's driven by an unyielding determination and tenacity that seldom wavers, making her a formidable presence. Yet beneath that stern exterior lies a complex world of thoughts and emotions, as tumultuous as they are carefully hidden.

Luvi is often reticent with her feelings, choosing to keep them tightly bottled within her. She grapples with her emotions in silence, rarely letting her internal struggles color her visible demeanor. This guardedness may occasionally come across as aloofness, but it stems more from a reluctance to be perceived as vulnerable rather than any form of disdain.

She carries a sense of pride that borders on stubbornness, particularly when it comes to acknowledging her faults. For Luvi, the pursuit of excellence is a solitary journey, one she prefers to traverse alone. She reserves her training for times of solitude, allowing her to wrestle with her weaknesses without an audience.

With adolescence seguing into adulthood, Luvi is also navigating the uncharted waters of romantic and physical attraction. Her hormones tug at her, coaxing her to explore the realm of romantic relationships, yet she finds herself in a difficult position. Her dedication to training and combat, although an integral part of her identity, isn't always appealing to potential partners. The warrior's path she walks with such determination can be intimidating, causing some to keep their distance.


Once upon a time, in the vibrant city of Raelia, a little girl named Illuvia was born to two loving parents. Raelia was not her parents' original home. Illuvia's father, a hardened man of battle, originally hailed from Yaralon. But his courage and might in battle had earned him a massive fortune, allowing him to retire comfortably and relocate his family to Raelia as it was a place his wife's family lived.

Illuvia, or Ilu, Luvia, and Luvi, as she was fondly called, was always a determined girl. From an early age, she had a fascination with the stories her father told of his adventures in Yaralon. She aspired to make her father proud and followed his footsteps, dreaming to join a band of mercenaries, just as he had once done. As Luvi grew, she found her calling not in the fanciful dresses or grand feasts that their wealth allowed but in the sound of steel clashing, the thrill of the duel, the tactics of battle. She was a natural with the sword, her movements precise, her instincts sharp. Recognizing her talent, her father spared no expense to further her training.

During one training session, a mage spotted Luvi and became intrigued by her. He was a member of the Syns Ragnari faction. After getting to know her over several years he offered to initiate Luvi who accepted. He was a man proficient in Abrogation and Hone.

The initiations were brutal, almost as if they were designed to break the initiate, pushing one to the limits of their physical and mental faculties. At the tender age of fifteen, Luvi underwent her first initiation. For what seemed like a lifetime, she was subjected to extreme pain and exhaustion. Despite the harsh conditions, Luvi pushed forward, driven by the vision of her future self. The initiation took a toll on her young mind, instilling in her a relentless focus and unbending determination.

The second initiation, at seventeen, was even more brutal. Luvi was pushed to the brink of death. But as she hovered on the edge, something in her mind shifted. Death, she realized, was not to be feared but to be challenged. The near-death experiences made her resolute to become battle-ready. Her mind, reshaped by the initiations, became an impenetrable fortress. The dream of becoming a mercenary began to shift; her sights set now on the military of Melrath.

Now, as Illuvia celebrates her eighteenth birthday, she stands on the brink of a new journey. The visions of her youth, colored by tales of her father's valor, have given way to a more profound understanding of her purpose. Ready to wield not just the sword but also the arts of Abrogation and Hone, Illuvia is determined to take on the trials of the Melrath military, eager to not only make her father proud but also carve her own legacy in the annals of Melrath's heroes.


Iluvia is 5'2" emanates a compelling aura of determination that goes beyond her physical stature. Her physique, slender and athletic, has been honed through years of rigorous training, creating an intriguing contrast of delicate elegance and potent power.

She possesses a remarkable countenance, her features beautifully defined and symmetrical, with almond-shaped eyes that gleam with an alert intelligence. Her complexion is flawless and her skin is fair. Her skin color is almost unnaturally pale/white due to her mutations. Her face, marked by high cheekbones and a softly tapered chin. She has full, subtly curved lips. Her expression is often one of resolute determination.

While her feminine attributes are noticeable, Luvi often expresses a hint of frustration over her larger than desired bust size, considering it a slight hindrance to her combat skills. She has mutations that make her hands and forearms look a tad thicker than they ought to be and they are covered in runic symbols.

An important part of her ensemble is the pair of katana she carries which she usually carries with her. She has white hair.
Last edited by Illuvia on Sun May 19, 2024 10:42 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 940
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Dialect: Umbral



Hone theme: Battle Queen - It likes to battle because that's when it gets used the most. It has mutations that revolve around getting its host to partake in combat.

Competent: Feint etherical rune symbols appear on her skin when she's feeling frightened or aggressive. It is bright enough to shine through simple clothing. It helps her draw runes more quickly as the symbols act as a template for her to trace over.

Expert: While not in combat, Illuvia's hair turns snow white and her skin becomes pale and sensitive to light. She is not debilitated by daylight, but she is uncomfortable in it and requires Discipline (Competent) to ignore this without hindrance. As such, she prefers to stick to the shadows, conduct activities at night or fight to stave off the affects. The spark loves to battle and has learned to prefer the night because it's easier to ambush people in the dark, but the longer she spends fighting, the longer the affects of the mutation will subside.
Note: For as much time as she spends fighting and for 5 times that long afterwards she can be free of the sparks curse (gets her colour back and light no longer bothers her).

Master: Luminescent, bright red runes cover her forearms, hands, and fingers. These parts of her body seem to be dis-proportioned compared to the rest of her body. The runes add a certain thickness to them. Ether seems to visibly seep out of them, though the ether drain from this is negligible. The runes are hard and heavy, similar to what one might expect from typical armor. This offers her some level of defense when attacking and enables her to attack with reckless abandon. Without using strength runes, her arms can be difficult to move when she's physically exhausted.

Master: Illuvia develops apathy for those who oppose her in battle. The spark entices her to lose all sense of sympathy for her opponents, so that there is no hesitation when she's on the attack. As a result, this sometimes prompts her to go a little too far in the attack, even in simple sparring situations. She can resist the sense of apathy with equal levels of discipline or meditative focus in skill to her skill in hone magic, but this will negate the beneficial offensive initiative of the mutation.



Theme: Stalwart Protector – The spark wants nothing more than for the safety of its host. It develops mutations that revolve around this.

Competent: A small amount of ether flows around Illuvia’s head and torso which slightly curls her hair and makes it move as if a slight breeze is blowing through it. The drain is negligible and its practical purpose is to allow her to replicate in those areas slightly faster than normal.
Last edited by Illuvia on Tue May 28, 2024 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 487
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Re: Illuvia


From character creation:

2 average quality katana
1 basic quality Scalemail
1 basic quality shield




word count: 20
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Re: Illuvia

Name: Lumina
Nicknames: Lumi
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 1 701
Languages Spoken:Fluent = Common

Lumina is a bubbly girl with a generally positive attitude. She is hungry for knowledge and is fiercely loyal to those who are good to her. She is sometimes overly eager and worried about what people think about her. She is concerned with her public image. She is not someone who handles well in high stress environments, but she is brave enough to face them head on.

Lumina had a relatively normal childhood as the child of book binders. When she turned twelve, her uncle offered to take her under his wing. He is an ensorcelling researcher at the Arcane Academy. She learned under him, but after several years she began to yearn for experiences outside of academia. So, she set off on her own in search of adventure. She spent a year or so traveling around the region in search of wells. At some point she meets Illuvia. Upon witnessing the things she could do with magic, they enter a deal (detailed below).


Lumina is 5'1" tall, 100 pounds, has long black hair, and has dark brown eyes. She typically wears her wizard's hat when out and about.

Relationship to PC

Amended Here

Lumina teaches Illuvia ensorcelling and alchemy in exchange for protection during their adventures together. Illuvia will also teach her combat skills.


Ensorcelling: 51
Discipline: 26
Alchemy: 31
Research: 26
Teaching: 26
word count: 247
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