• Lore • [Rharne Faction] The Lightning Knights

The shield that guards Rharne and its territories.

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[Rharne Faction] The Lightning Knights

Lightning Knights
Since the founding of Rharne the outstanding force that has shielded it, from the forces of the outside world that seek to infiltrate it’s rebellious streets. The Lightning Knights are the main active military force that protect Rharne, the settlements nearby, and the Stormlands surrounding them.

The Lightning Knights bear a coat of arms which strongly represents the faction, as it represents the whole of the Knights as well as it’s four Divisions. Each Division are known to play a pivotal and crucial part in the Order, and their roles are what make each Division a necessity within the city. Knights are often found donning armor or raiments of their ordained Division, usually in the vibrant colors of cobalt and silver, and each bear a specific sigil representing their Division as well.

Uniform: The uniform consists of a white blouse tucked into black-dyed trousers. A pair of dress clogs for the feet, or else footwear to the taste of the individual Lightning Knight are worn. There is an emphasis on footwear that makes a sound, however soft or distinct. Over the blouse, a dress coat that hangs to waist height at the hem, and with longish sleeves that are of a fabric that can easily be pulled up for an impromptu brawl. The dress coat is a shade of burgundy with copper buttons along the fabric and copper piping on the sleeves and collar. A drinking horn is a favored accessory, and while in dress uniform a Lightning Knight is of course encouraged to wear their preferred side-arm as an accessory. Atop the head, a bandana is often worn beneath a sturdy tricorn cap.

  • Must be 15 in order to join, or 12 to be Squired to a Knight.
  • New Arrivals begin as Initiates, or Squires if underage, of the Order.
  • Each Division has no absolute skill requirement, but it is suggested they have at least one type of combat skill for defensive purposes.
When a recruit joins the Order they're granted the role of Initiate, granting them opportunities to train and determine their career path among the Knights. Because there are four divisions each presenting separate fields of opportunities, Initiates are given general leeway in determining which path they wish to pursue. Many who would consider themselves stout warriors can easily discover other talents, such as investigating or collecting intelligence. This is why the divisions exist within the Order, so that any who join will always have a place among their ranks of a military. When granted the rank of Initiate the potential recruit is allowed time to study in whatever field of expertise they wish, and when the time comes where they feel fit to take on the Initiation; they'll approach a ranking member of the Division they wish to join.

Joining: Anyone wishing to join as an Initiate or Squire must journey to Skywatch Keep and speak with a member of the Lightning Knights. The Knight will set up training and explain the position to the individual before allowing them to join.

Entering your Division: Once you have decided on the Division you wish to join, you need to write at least 1 thread where your character investigates that Division before being initiated. Once this is done you may proceed with initiation which can be either self moderated or moderated. It's your choice. Please see the paragraphs on your chosen Division to see what the initiation will be like.

Often, Lightning Knights throughout the Order have been known to Squire subordinates. Typically this is only done for those who are too young to join the Knights, but can benefit with a Sponsorship from a Knight within the Order itself. Only Ranked Five Knights and up can Squire youngsters, as it is an important duty for those that do sponsor a potential knight in the making. The Squire then shadows that Knight; learning the tricks of the trade through his mentor until he or she comes of age.

Essentially this means that Squires who tag along on Missions with their Knights earn the same amount points with their mentors, however remaining locked in their Squire status until they finally are old enough to become Knights themselves. There is a trial undergone by the Squire in question when they progress into Knighthood. That trial is described below.
Squire Initiation
In preparation of being knighted squires abstain from food for three full trials, aside from a meager meal of bread and cheese that is provided for breakfast. As part of this process, all squires are given simple, white robes that all citizens in Rharne recognize, making it exceedingly difficult for them to cheat during the fasting. This process is first and foremost meant to teach humility, but it also serves as a great equalizer between squires from various backgrounds, as they all have to suffer through the same test and it tends to shape lasting bonds of friendship between most of them. Then on the night of the trial of fasting the squires of the Lightning Knights are led to Rharne’s great Cathedral and directed into a separate praying chamber each.

Each squire holds their vigil in solitude to reflect upon the nature of their commitment they’re about to make to the Knights, Rharne, Ilaren, and to themselves. It is truly a test of great mental fortitude as the fasting will have taken its toll by now. Upon arriving in their small praying room, they’re given a candle and a tinderbox. They are to hold and light the candle and remain within the room until it has burned its length.

The solemnity of this moment is emphasized as they’re instructed to remain silent for the duration of their vigil and let nothing disturb the contemplation of their vows. Yet each time, just before the ritual ends, a commotion is staged. Sometimes it’s a brawl just outside the Cathedral but within hearing range of the squires in their rooms. At other times it’s a staged break-in into the Cathedral, and other times still each squire receives a knock on their door and a plea for help.

How one responds ultimately doesn’t matter. Any squire that breaks their promise to stay within the room and help is commended for putting their vows into action, but chastised for breaking their promise to stay within their room. Similarly, those who ignore the commotion are praised for their obedience but made aware that they can take the rules too seriously. Ultimately the entire ritual is a lesson in responsibility: teaching each squire that they’ve earned the freedom to make their own choices, but that they’ll have to live with the consequences of their decisions too.

Once all squires are regathered, they’re each called forward to the main altar of the cathedral where their mentor speaks a few words to them before awarding them with a personal blessing. This part of the ceremony is open to the public and tends to attract sizable crowds.

At the end of the ceremony, a great feast is held where the starved but proud squires can eat and drink to their heart’s content. Those that have failed the process are given a second chance with the next batch of fresh squires waiting to be knighted but third chances are practically unheard of.

Instances of squires leaving their vigil sooner than intended are rarely heard of, but when they have happened, the punishment has always been immediate and irreversible banishment from the order.

Squires won't start at the bottom of the ranks either, because of their time spent being mentored they're given a pass; and quickly assigned the rank fitting however many points they've earned from missions.

Please contact a Rharne Prophet if you wish to move from the Squires to becoming a Lightning Knight. You will be required to write a thread detailing the simple ceremony. This can be moderated depending on your preference.

The Divisions
The Guardians - These are the main force of Rharne’s military. The Guardian Division are the peacekeepers and protectors of Rharne. They mainly operate throughout the city and the outskirts, performing civic duties to ensure the citizens exercise their right to revel accordingly. They represent the shield bearing the Lightning Symbol, as they’re charge is solely Rharne and it’s matron Ilaren.

The Inquisitors - The Division that dedicates it’s time to investigation and intelligence for Rharne, in which many of these knights are the seekers of truth for the Order. They’re charge is to serve as investigators for crimes within the city, so they tend to be actively hunting criminals from the shadows of Rharne. This Division represents the the sword behind the shield itself, as they are the ones that bring Ilaren’s enemies to justice.

The Justicars - These are the stalwart Knights of the order. This Division patrols the wilderness of the Stormlands. They’re responsibilities revolve around keeping law and order to the outer settlements, and protecting those that traverse the vast fields of danger in between. The Justicars are responsible for also managing the forests of Rharne and ensuring that the balance between mortals and nature is kept intact. They represent the wings above the the shield, for they are the Judges of Law and Order in the unforgiving Stormlands.

The stout warriors of the order who face adversity from forces both outside as well as inside Rharne, the Guardians are the city’s military foot soldiers who protect the city and the lands of Rharne. They’re charge is to keep the people above all else safe, and ensure the state of peace. They are also the cavalry which serves Ilaren directly, protecting her as well as obeying any orders she has for particular knights. They handle work such as patrols throughout the city, as well as assisting their fellow Divisions when on duty.

The role of a Guardian is a pretty simple and straightforward one, but never easy to maintain as many of the local populace can get out of hand. When a bar brawl goes too far sometimes they’re required to intervene, at least to just kick it down a notch if not stop the whole brawl altogether. They’re also the main units of support for the other Divisions, mainly being escorts to keep the area maintained while Inquisitors handle their duties. They are essentially the rock, or in the Order’s case the Shield, when it comes to the Lightning Knights and therefore; shoulder a good chunk of responsibility for the order. Though more of a straightforward career path, there is still a few roles available to a Guardian based on their preference. A vast majority of them patrol the city in part, but there are those who also make up the navy of Rharne as well.

Ranks & Requirements
Ranks are climbed by way of attaining Mission Points via the Lightning Knight Mission System.
Commander - 108 Points
The Commander is the Leadership Role of the Guardian Division, their purpose is to lead the Guardians and uphold Rharne's ideal form of peace. Generals are typically the ones next in line for this position, as the current Commander is required to select and prepare the one they choose for the position.

General - 96 Points

Praefect - 84 Points

Legate - 72 Points

Sergeant - 60 Points

Captain - 48 Points

Lieutenant - 36 Points

Corporal - 24 Points

Officer - 12 Points

Private - Starting Rank

Initiates of the Guardian Division are given straightforward tests by high ranked members of their Division. They are simply required to participate in a drunken brawl. Several Initiates will be paired together to drink until they're considerably intoxicated. The Initiates are then pitted against several other ranked Knights in the Division, who have also been drinking, and proceed to brawl until they're too exhausted or one group is left standing. Guardian Captains or higher ranked members use this as a means of gauging not just the Initiate's' tenacity, but capacity to work in teams also during the brawl. Winning is not the aim of the trial, but it is instead a chance for the ranking members of the Guardians to gauge the potential of their new recruits.

The Inquisitor Division is the city's policing and investigative branch. Their roles are to identify and resolve any criminal activity throughout every part of Rharne, as well as apprehend any criminals to bring them in for justice. The Division focuses on the attaining mostly information as well anything relatively importance of note to the Knights, and Ilaren, in their daily pursuit to seek the truth hidden among the streets..

New Inquisitors start and spend their careers mostly gathering intelligence or investigating local crime in the city, eventually working their way into protecting the city from espionage. It's a Division that many would say involves a great deal of tact and in many instances; subtlety.

Ranks & Requirements
Ranks are climbed by way of attaining Mission Points via the Lightning Knight Mission System.
Inspector - 108 Points
The Inspectoris the Leadership Role of the Inquisitor Division, their purpose is to lead the Inquisitors and continue the collective of intelligence. Sleuths are typically the ones next in line for this position, as the current Inspector is required to select and prepare the one they choose for the position.

Sleuth - 96 Points

Agent - 84 Points

Detective - 72 Points

Constable - 60 Points

Privateer - 48 Points

Investigator - 36 Points

Informant - 24 Points

Appellant - 12 Points

Watchman - Starting Rank

Inquisitors are more or less required a keen intellect when it comes to their role in the Division, therefore new Initiates are provided a differently arranged trial come the time to test their minds. They are required to follow and tail a target throughout the city. This target is normally an Inquisitor in disguise or a low level criminal. The Initiate must study the target, ascertaining their goals and motives by tracking their movements and attempting to listen for snippets of conversation. It is a test of stealth and quick thinking. The test ends when the Initiate is approached by an Inquisitor and asked to provide any and all information that they gained about their target. If the Inquisitor in change of the test is satisfied with the intel given, they will admit the Initiate into their ranks by way of taking them out for a night of drinking and celebration.

Justiciars are those who join the Division of law bringers beyond the outskirts of Rharne, and into the vast wilds of the Stormlands and the settlements found within. The Division of Justiciars devotes its time and resources to the safety and security of citizens all throughout the Stormlands, and they require a great deal of knowledge about their assigned territory. They must also be comfortable with living within the wilderness for extended periods of time. Justiciars have another known term some will use, "Judges," as they are the main units that not only bring law and order in the Stormlands but will often be the deciding voice on disputes between farmers or traders in the countryside. Their decisions are always respected and considered final.

Additionally Justiciars are also responsible for managing wildlife within their assigned territory and ensuring a peaceful existence between nature and the people of Rharne. This can mean culling dangerous predators or tending to a wounded wolf cub that was caught in a hunter’s trap.

Survival within the wilds is already tough on sole adventurers, therefore Justiciars tend to be very hardy stalwarts found scattered throughout the Stormlands. It's not uncommon to find one or two of them patrolling the fields, but when a whole squad of Justiciars are seen gathered; you know trouble looms somewhere close by. Justiciars are also known to often utilize the giant flying mounts Storm Rocs to patrol some parts of the Stormlands, and to see a Justiciar in action with their own Storm Roc is alone a impressive sight for wayward travelers to behold.

(Justicars have the option of being assigned a Storm Roc mount. Please pm a local Rharne Prophet if you wish to be given one to train and ride.)

Ranks & Requirements
Ranks are climbed by way of attaining Mission Points via the Lightning Knight Mission System.
Seneschal - 108 Points
The Seneschal is the Leadership Role of the Justiciar Division, their purpose is to lead the Justiciars and maintain the law and order of the Stormlands. Judges are typically the ones next in line for this position, as the current Seneschal is required to select and prepare the one they choose for the position.

Judge - 96 Points

Peacekeeper - 84 Points

Sentinel - 72 Points

Marshal - 60 Points

Partisan - 48 Points

Defender - 36 Points

Stalwart - 24 Points

Ranger - 12 Points

Wayfarer - Starting Rank

Justiciars are hardy for a reason. Their Initiation Trial consists of survival within the wilderness alone. They are provided with just a few tools (a wood axe, a waterskin, and a cutting knife). The Initiate is left in the Stormlands just beyond Rharne's outskirts, where they must spend a total of three full Trials surviving by themselves. Sometimes groups of Initiates are allowed to partake in this trial together, but Justiciars prefer to test them individually; so that when they patrol the wilderness as official Justiciars, they can do so alone and with the confidence built from their Initiation.

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Re: The Lightning Knights

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Re: The Lightning Knights

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Re: [Rharne Faction] The Lightning Knights

Lightning Knight Missions and Rewards

Rharne Mission System

The Rharne Mission System is a new initiative to provide engaging stories and rewards for the Thunder Priestesses, and Lightning Knights of Rharne. While these missions are designed to be taken by Knights and Priestesses, players are allowed to bring along a non-faction friend if they receive prophet permission. However, be aware that non-Knight/Priestess players cannot claim or utilize mission points earned through these missions. Non-faction players will be awarded only the monetary rewards associated with the missions, and they must always be accompanied by a faction member.

If you are a Lightning Knight, please keep a Mission Point Ledger in your Character Sheet.

Members of either the Thunder Priestess or Lightning Knights faction will receive rewards from each mission they perform along with a form of OOC currency known as Mission Points. Mission points will serve players in a unique way. There are special rewards associated with Mission Points that can be awarded by the local prophet when you ascend to a new rank in your faction. These are often unique pieces of gear that are specific to your faction. Rewards are specific to Thunder Priestess and Lightning Knights so there will be separate rewards for each faction.

Joining In:
These missions are meant to be taken by Lightning Knights or their squires however, most missions will allow for non-Knight volunteers to join in. If you are taking a mission and you are not a Lightning Knight, you MUST be accompanied by a Player Lightning Knight.
These missions will count as a job thread for Lightning Knight Players.

Mission Danger Ratings

Danger Ratings: Lightning Knight Missions come with a "Danger Rating" that will give you a rough idea of how difficult they will be to complete. Be aware that if you take a very dangerous job and you do not take into full account the difficulty then a Prophet may just modbomb your thread to enforce the correct level of danger.

Limited Danger: Novice and Competent skills in combat should be adequate for surviving these encounters

Medium Danger: Having Competency in your combat skill will be necessary to survive this encounter.

High Danger: Having an expert level in your combat skill will be necessary to survive this encounter.

Extreme Danger: You stand risking dying in these encounters no matter your skill level. Mastery is highly advised.

Danger Ratings Note - Combat Skills can be anything from weapon skills, unarmed skills or stealth and survival skills.

Mission Point Scale
Extreme Danger: 10 Points
High Danger : 8 Points
Medium Danger: 6 Points
Limited Danger: 4 Points

Mission List
A Fly in the Ointment: High Danger - 8 Mission Points
Knight Mission:"A Fly in the Ointment"
Details: Rumors in the Dust Quarter suggest that smugglers have starting bringing a new and dangerous drug into the city at night along the river. Several people in the Dust Quarter are turning up dead after overdosing on this new compound. You have been tasked with investigating if these claims have any merit. Some suggest that a woman known as the “Witch Doctor” is involved.
Moderation: Self-moderated. Will take two threads to complete. Please contact the local prophet for details before beginning this mission.
Danger Rating: High Danger
Reward: 2 WP
Mission Points: (8) Mission Points that will contribute toward additional rewards in the future and ranking up in your faction
Thundermaw Stampede: Medium Danger - 6 Mission Points
Knight Mission: "Thundermaw Stampede"
Details: A large group of Thundermaw are seen stampeding across the heart of the Stormlands. Livestock have been killed in startling numbers and a farmer has been seriously injured. There are at least 10 Thundermaw in this stampede and they are killing everything in sight. These creatures are highly dangerous. It will require planning and preparation to sufficiently cull their numbers.
Moderation:Self-moderated. Will take one thread to complete. Please request approval to complete this mission before you begin your thread.
Danger Rating: Medium Danger
Reward: 1WP to all participants
Lightning Knight Rewards:
(6) Mission Points that will contribute toward additional rewards in the future and recognition within your faction.
Expires: Ongoing
The Ancient Bull is Back : Medium Danger - 6 Mission Points
Knight Mission: The Ancient Bull is back!
Details: An old bull shark has been spotted from the shores of the Zynyx River and the waters of Lake Lovalus. It fits the description of a shark that had been haunting the water ways of Rharne a few decades past. A lightning knight could either accompany a fisher vessel in putting this beastie down for good, or else transport some naval troops to dispatch it if they have a boat of their own.
Moderation:Self-moderated. Will take one thread to complete. Please request approval to complete this mission before you begin your thread.
Danger Rating: Medium
Reward: 1 WP to all participants
Lightning Knight Rewards:
(6) Mission Points that will contribute toward additional rewards in the future and recognition within your faction.
Expires: Ongoing
Caervalle Town Troubles: Medium Danger - 6 Mission Points
Knight Mission:"Carevalle Town Troubles"
Details:Predatory wildlife within the nearby forest has become over populated and villagers are being attacked near sundown. It appears that the recent droughts have impacted Ywyngyll Forest and the local wildlife is struggling to thrive. Predators such as wolves, bears and even rodents have begun making forays into the town near nightfall to forage for food. Deal with this issue in whatever way you see fit in order to protect Caervalle Town.
Reward: 1WP if you cull the problematic wildlife, 2 if you find a non-violent solution.
Moderation:Self-moderated. Will take one thread to complete. Please request approval to complete this mission before you begin your thread.
Danger Rating: Medium Danger
Lightning Knight Rewards:
(6) Mission Points that will contribute toward additional rewards in the future and recognition without your faction.
Expires: Ongoing
Medic!: Medium Danger - 6 Mission Points
Knight Mission: "Medic!"
Details: Healers and medics have been summoned to trek out into the northern Stormwastes in order to locate and tend to a the wounded members of a Lightning Knight scouting party. Four Knights were attacked by a strange flaming creature and have been badly burned. They were located ten miles south of the River Zynyx and are unable to travel until their wounds have been treated. You may take this mission as a medic if you have medical knowledge or as an armed escort in order to ensure the safe travel of the healers.
Moderation:Self-moderated. Will take one thread to complete. Please request approval to complete this mission before you begin your thread.
Danger Rating:Medium Danger
Reward: 1WP to all participants
Lightning Knight Rewards:
(6) Mission Points that will contribute toward additional rewards in the future and recognition within your faction.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.
Skywatch Training: Limited Danger - 4 Mission Points
Knight Mission: "Skywatch Training"
Details: A group of young Lightning Knight Squires have been left to practice in the training yard of Skywatch Keep. You have been tasked with teaching them new skills that you feel will benefit them in their future careers as Knights.
Moderation:Self-moderated. Will take one thread to complete. Please request approval to complete this mission before you begin your thread.
Danger Rating:Limited Danger
Reward: 1WP to all participants
Lightning Knight Rewards:
(4) Mission Points that will contribute toward additional rewards in the future and recognition within your faction.
Expires: Ongoing (Mission will be available permanently)
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Post here to claim threads.

Once you have posted the Claim Form, a local prophet will review your thread(s) and ensure that you met the criteria of the mission before noting your claim as "Approved". This is similar to how wages and jobs are approved. Do not add the rewards to your CS until you have been granted approval. [

Other ways to gain Mission Points!
Don't just want to do missions? You may submit threads here where your character is doing their job as a Knight; and the thread will be reviewed by a local prophet in order to assign awards. You won't get as many mission points from these threads as you would with an actual posted mission. But you will still earn rewards and be able to climb the ranks in this fashion.

Collaborative Bonus Points! Oh My!
So you can earn extra mission points for every mission that you take on with another player character. This is to encourage collaborative play.
  • Bringing along your non-faction civilian friend: 1 Bonus Mission Point
  • Bringing along a member of a non LK or TP faction member: 2 Bonus Mission Points
    This can include Order of Adunih members or any other faction other than the Knights and Priestesses.
  • Bringing along a Thunder Priestess or Lightning Knight: 3 Bonus points for each player.
NOTE: You can only earn a maximum of 3 bonus points per mission.

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Re: [Rharne Faction] The Lightning Knights

Lightning Knight Tier Rewards
Lightning Knight Mission Point Tier Rewards

108 Points: Milestone Rewards: Milestone rewards are split by division. Meaning that you get a unique item that is tied to your particular division within the Lightning Knights.
Divisional Milestone Rewards
Guardians: Aegisward Cloak - This deep indigo blue cloak is made of a strange silken material that feels almost like liquid to the touch.. Once per trial the Knight can pull this cloak across the body and it will form a shield out of solid blue light that is roughly the size and shape of a tower shield. This shield lasts for five bits and will move with the Knight as necessary until they lower the cloak or the shield reaches its time limit. One trial is required for the cloak to recharge this ability. This energy shield is resilient to both physical and magic/mark abilities; Although magic and mark abilities will exhaust it twice as quickly as normal attacks, granting only two and a half bits of protection. If torn or damaged the cloak will regenerate itself fully during the next lightning storm. If it is damaged then the cloak may not work properly when trying to form a shield

Justiciars: Eaglesight- The Eaglesight is a special and valuable item indeed. It is made using top of the line and experimental optical glass along with several components that are made only by a select group of alchemists. The Eaglesight is a collapsible spyglass that is capable of seeing vast distances and zooming in on targets of interest via the brass dial on it’s side. The Eaglesight is also heat sensitive and will allow it’s user to see targets via their body heat. This feature is activated by a small silver button at the base of the spyglass. This button can only be used once per trial otherwise you risk breaking the Eaglesight.

Inquisitors: Coverguise - This simple brown leather coat appears unassuming at first but it is a valuable asset for those who often need to work with a level of anonymity. Once per trial for the length of a break, the Coverguise can be activated via a small drawstring in the inner pocket that with cause the garb to display an illusion around your body that will make you appear as though you are wearing a completely different set of clothes along with different hair if desired. Whatever clothing the illusion displays is random, but is always perfectly suited to your surroundings, and to the people around you. This allows the Inquisitor to perfectly blend in and conceal their identity whenever their job demands it.

96 points: Homeward Compass: This item is a palm sized compass that is custom made for each and every Knight at this rank. It is normally made of a local wood that is crafted in Mistral Village and metals and gemstones found within Rharne’s borders. The needle of the Compass has been magically imbued to always point in the direction of the capitol of Rharne so that any wayward Lightning Knight can always find their way home. It is considered a great honor to carry one of these custom made compasses as it signifies that you have reached a position of great respect within the Order. Many Knights wear the compasses visibly on their belts or shoulderguards so the world can see their accomplishment.

84 points: Zephyrgale Armor: A “Masterwork” set of armor, either Heavy or Leather. If the armor is mail or plate then it will be made of Geminite. This beautiful metal gleams like dark azure gemstones and is known to withstand almost any punishment. If the armor is leather then the material itself can be left up to the recipient, it will also include embossed leather with artistic renditions of wind and storms along the arms and shoulders. There will also be silver studs decorating the boots, gloves and cuirass along with occasional sewn in orbs of Rainbow Moonstone that glisten beautifully.

72 points: Stormlance: An “Extravagant” ranged weapon. It can be anything such as a bow or crossbow; or essentially any ranged weapon that makes use of projectiles. The Stormlance also includes a set of arrows or other suitable projectiles made from Adamantite. The weapon itself is either made of weatherproofed Yew from Ywyngyll Forest or Adamantite steel.

60 points: Milestone Rewards: Milestone rewards are split by division. Meaning that you get a unique item that is tied to your particular division within the Lightning Knights.
Divisional Milestone Rewards
Guardians: Boomstick - Unique to the Guardians of the Lightning Knights; this three and a half foot long silvery steel rod is capable of producing a mild but painful electric shock on contact that will cause most targets to either stumble or be rendered unconscious. The weapons are called “Boomsticks” because of a sound of thunder that often accompanies their use. Boomsticks are invaluable because they act as a non-lethal means of apprehending a criminal.

Justiciars: Calmsong - This strange device is invaluable for dealing with the local fauna of the Stormlands. The Calmsong is essentially a small green gem enclosed within a palm sized metal case that is inscribed with leafy designs. When the case is opened the gem begins to emit a soft humming sound that instantly causes nearby animals to become less aggressive. This effect is temporary and especially aggressive creatures are capable of ignoring its effects entirely. The Calmsong can only affect an area within a twenty foot radius.

Inquisitors: Whisperwill - The Whisperwill comes in the form of a large silver and amethyst ring that is worn on the thumb. It will glow very faintly when you are standing in the presence of someone who is intentionally and specifically trying to decieve you. This tool is invaluable when suspects are being questioned. The Whisperwill can be confused at times if the individual does not does not truly understand that they are lying, in these cases the ring can give false readings.

48 points: Thunderstorm: An “Extravagant” sharp edged weapon made from Adamantite. This weapon can slice through nearly anything and is incredibly well balanced and light. Black leather encircles the hilt and the outlines of storm clouds have been embossed into the material. A large beautiful piece of smooth Obsidian has been set into the pommel.
(The type of weapon can be selected by the player, so long as it is metal and has a sharp edge.)

36 points :
Milestone Rewards: Milestone rewards are split by division. Meaning that you get a unique item that is tied to your particular division within the Lightning Knights.

Milestone rewards are split by division. Meaning that you get a unique item that is tied to your particular division within the Lightning Knights.
Divisional Milestone Rewards:

Guardians - Homing Bola Launcher: Sometimes, people try to flee from the Guardians, not wanting to spend time in jail or because they were wanted for more serious crimes that weren't pinned on them yet. As the Guardians don't like it when people run from them, a special tool was developed for them to help catch these runaway ne'er-do-wells. This crossbow like apparatus fires a bola at a fleeing target and the bola is enchanted so that it will follow whoever the launcher was aimed at when fired, making it difficult for a criminal to avoid being caught. However, the Guardian has to be careful, as the bola homes in on whoever the launcher is aiming at at the exact moment of firing. If mis-timed shot can lead to the wrong person being bola'd.

Inquisitors - Memory Playback Crystal: Sometimes, it helps an Inquistor to be able to view things as they happened, rather than simply relying on stressed memories. These crystals were made to fill that exact niche, allowing whoever is holding them to draw themselves and the people around them into a memory. These memories can be repeated at will, allowing the Inquisitor to gain evidence that might otherwise be forgotten or lost, though the memory has to be played willingly.

Justicars - Shelter Stone:
When travelling the Stormlands, shelter is not always available. The Justicars have found numerous ways around this, not the least of which is training to build shelters. But sometimes, crafting even the crudest of shelters is an impossibility. In recognition of this, the Shelter Stone was created. This small, pyramid shaped rock can be embedded point down in the ground, at which point a dome of blue light, 10 feet in diameter and 6 feet high will enclose the area around the stone, providing a small reliable shelter. However, it should be noted that this shelter only protects from the elements, and by its nature is very visible, making it a poor hiding place. The structure will protect against wind and water but can be easily penetrated by weapons and invaders.
24 points: Azureblade Armor: An “Extravagant” set of Leather or Heavy armor (the player may choose) that is made from either a combination of Steel/Cobalt (In the case of heavy armor) or from a dark blue dyed leather with Crystalline ingot ornamentations on the gloves and shoulders. There is also the signature blue Lightning Knight cape included.

12 points: “Silverwind”: A “Good” quality sharp edged weapon made from Cobalt ingots (This can include but is not limited to swords, polearms, daggers, axes, and the like. Let the Prophet know what you prefer.) The hilt or grip is wrapped in fine gray leather and there is a round piece of Lapis Lazuli set in the pommel.

0 points: Divisional Starter Items Upon joining your division you immediately get the reward associated with your branch. You do not need approval to add this reward to your CS. It is automatically given upon entry to the division you choose.
Divisional Items
Guardians: Retractable Steel Baton: A small steel cylinder that can be extended to use as a bludgeon. Can be easily carried in a pocket or hidden under a cloak, ensuring a Guardian is always able to respond to disturbance, even during their off-hours.

Inquisitors: Padded Clothing: Simple clothing with a hidden layer of padding that is just thick enough so as not to be discernible. This allows the Inquisitor to follow a suspect in civilian clothes that don't stand out and still be afforded a light layer of protection. (This full set of clothing contains a shirt and pants) (Alternate Version: Thin under armor version is available as well that covers the torso and legs)

Justicars: Trained Animal Companion: Justiciars can apply to be given one small trained animal companion. This can be anything from a falcon to a fox. Please get Prophet approval for whatever animal you choose.

Claiming Your Reward:

Post here to claim your mission rewards and rank ups etc.

word count: 1802
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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