Cervantez Xeleno

Conqueror of the Dead

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Cervantez Xeleno

ervantez Xeleno
Name: Cervantez Xeleno
Race: Lotharro {Bred}
Date of Birth:Vhalar 23, 691
Mgics: Necromancy
Factions Joined: None
Languages Spoken: Common (fluent), Xanthea (basic)
Height: 6' 4 & 1/2"
Weight: 230lbs
Sexuality: Sapiosexual {a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing} & has a great attraction to other mages
Aligiences: Himself, Necromancy, Yaralon
Profession: Sellsword, Assassin

Cervantez has been blessed with a mesomorphic body thanks to his Lotharro genetics, allowing him to pack on muscle and size rather easily. Cervantez has a rather imposing figure. He is rather built and is said to embody what masculinity is supposed to look like.

He has smooth chocolate skin, given a very few blemishes. He has dark brown hair that naturally curls, which is his signature hairstyle, as it compliments his facial structure. He has full, even eyebrows that sit above crystal brown eyes that catch the stare of many that look upon him. He has a smooth straight nose that fits into his symmetrical face topped off with a strong jawline.

His physique is built to perfection. He has broad shoulders that accentuate his large well-built chest. His legs and butt are well built as well which also accentuates his small waist, but has been strengthened during his years as a mercenary heaving his weapon around, giving a well-defined eight-pack & obliques. He has made it an effort to keep his body in excellent condition and an aesthetically pleasing body.

Last edited by Cervantez on Sun Oct 20, 2019 2:43 am, edited 40 times in total. word count: 243
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4





I Promise I'm not Crazy
How I think

Cervantez is a level-headed man who personifies the words "enigmatic and calculating". He feels nothing for human sympathy and ethics, believing that absolute peace is found only through death and in the one valid truth of this world. While his blunt and unconventional honesty may not make him popular among others, Cervantez's charm and tactics are what earns him bitter-sweet respect with others.

Showing no mercy to his foes and believing that every instance is predestined, he ultimately wants to achieve a true land of peace regardless of the risks (even if it means that his own fate is to go downhill as well). He is also rather a blunt talker, never holding back what's on his mind and speaking the truths in all situations. His can be rather harsh when dishing out such straightforward words and has no regrets in anything he says.

He sees his bluntness as a way to keep misguided fools from making stupid decisions. He has a rather neutral outlook on life, as he believes that in order for something to begin, something else must end first. The inevitability of this is unavoidable. He has a disdain for those who try to outlive their usefulness.
The Dead, Cemeteries, Hounds, Intrigue, Mysteries, Reverencing the fallen, Knowledge of any kind, Music, Moonlit nights
Those who take living for granted, Holy Blowhards, Cats, Idiots, Narrow-minded people, Grave robbers, Slavery
Open Minded, Charismatic, Educated, Loyal to a fault, Charismatic, Discerning Judgement, Eye for detail, Patience
Nihilistic, Calculated, Indifferent, His obsession with death and spreading peace through it, Slight Paranoia
Last edited by Cervantez on Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:50 am, edited 28 times in total. word count: 279
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4




Cervantez Xeleno

How It All Began

Born to a Sev'ryn mother and Lotharro father, Cervantez would learn the beauty of death at a very young age. His father was apart of the Black Skeleton Mercenary & execution company, as a contract killer under the disguise of a mercenary. At the time Cervantez lived a normal life, but that all changed at the age of 6. His mother had fallen ill with an illness, something common within the Yaralon life.

He spent most of his childhood looking after her, as much as a young kid could. During these times his mother taught him both the joys and sorrows of life itself, learning to accept the beauty in all things. She showed him many wonders of both her people and his fathers, even if hers was slowly fading.

His father, on the other hand, taught him lessons in death. Cervantez learned the family business, both as a merc and an assassin. From ages 10-15, when he wasn't looking after his mother or taking care of the Massibex pup, he was with his father on the job, aiding in with the company and their tasks to killing contracted targets with his father. When he turned 16 he began to develop himself both in mind and body, and his father took notice.

At first, it was just little glances and looks, but then it turned into touches and gropes. When Cervantez protested his father threatened him with his mothers' life. Cervantez's world revolved around his mother and her health and would die before being the cause of her death.

For two & half arcs he suffered under his father's sexual abuse. By the age of 19, Cervantez had begun to run things with the Black Skeletons, taking the helm as his lecher of a father focused on contract killing. One day his world died, burning around him.

He had gotten a message from a village that horrific noises and the sound of a struggle could be heard from his home. Frantic he rushed there, and when he got there he found his mother, sitting in a pool of her own blood, on the floor. Tears pouring from his eyes he went to go take her to get help, but she refused and told him that it was already too late for her.

She told him she was sorry for not seeing what his father was doing to him sooner, that she failed as a parent to protect her baby boy. With her final breath, she told him how proud of him she was, for being so strong and enduring such a hellish life for her sake. She told him not to worry anymore now that death had come to free her from this terrible life.

With that, she died in his arms, to which he spent the next five hours sobbing uncontrollably until the neighbors arrived with help from the Black Skulls. On the next trial, Cervantez buried his mother and now had to endure the reign of his lech of a father. He remained in the home for two more arcs, but soon he would be set free from his hellish shackles.

On his 21 birthday, his father did what he had always done and proceeded to defile Cervantez. His only mistake was mentioning how he had done the same thing to his mother before he killed her for trying to stop his sexual attacks on their son. I guess you could say he was a late bloomer in terms of the manifestation of his lotharro animalism.

In a fit of absolute rage, he lashed out at his father, catching the man off guard. He stood naked, his visage that of pure hatred as he held his father's throat in his grasp. "Any last words you sick f*ck!" He snarled, a primal echo trailing behind his words.

All his father could do was smile on his face and with a wail, Cervantez proceeded to crush the man's neck till he stopped struggling. The house fell silent as Cervantez just stood there, but then it was soon broken as he began to laugh. At first, it was just a giggle, then became a chuckle, until it evolved into a full-blown cackle.

He was relieved to have finally broken free of this hell he was in. By this time he left Yaralon for the required year, but not before covering his father's death, making it seem like he was killed while on a mission. Together with his pet Massibex, he traveled across the eastern continent, perfecting his body through physical training, his endurance with withstanding adverse weather and becoming stronger by play housing with his war hound.

After returning back to Yaralon, he set out to hunt the members of the Black Skeletons, knowing their involvement in his sexual abuse as well as the murder of his mother. In total there were 5 of them, excluding his now-deceased father. In a span of three arcs, Cervantez would challenge them to duels to the death.

It wasn't easy as they were far better skilled than he was, but due to his time working alongside these men, had an edge. Prior to these duels, Cervantez trained rigorously, lifting a heavy object to increase his strength, practicing evasive and acrobatic moves in order to up his reaction time, and above else going trials on end perfecting his technique with the flail scythe of his. Between the duels and his training, Cervantez was filling into his lotharro genetics exceptionally well.

Exploiting their physical and mental weaknesses he was able to hold his own against them, winning each dual, and gaining the satisfaction of killing them. To him it was more so a release, knowing they no longer had to bare the burden of their crimes any longer, as death grants you the ultimate peace. Around this time, his obsession with death came into full bloom.

It went from a fascination to full-blown enthrallment, which led him to the path of Necromancy. He wanted to learn the magic so bad as if it was like breathing to him. One day he was traversing the dangerous wilds of Yaralon when he happened to find this cottage.

Seeing how harsh living outside the city was, it was odd and unusual to see such a thing. He decided he wanted to investigate it and looked around. Within the home, he found bizarre things, jars of weird creatures, bones piled in the corner, what looked like a workstation, and most of all, books.

These books held the knowledge of necromancy. He was excited, though it faded when the owner of the house decided to show herself. She introduced herself as Mariatte Lahvayeau and revealed herself to be a necromancer. She noticed his interest in the art but found his fascination more like a whim than a desire. When he asked her to teach him, she refused and forced him away.

Determined Cervantez would not relinquish his desire to be taught by this woman. Upon his first return to her cottage, she was not home, and a disappointed. Upon his second visit, she was there but adamantly ignored his advances.

By his third visit, she was impressed by his tenacity, but infuriated by his annoying persistence. She told him that she would teach him, but gave him a time to wait for her. She sent him home and for what felt like weeks, he waited.

One night he awoke to the humming of a woman, waking to find Mariatte sitting on the edge of his bed. She was well underway in preparation for his initiation, and when it was complete, she cut herself & Cervantez, passing her spark to him. Once done, the undead she called forth appeared before him.

She explained that in order for him to walk the path of Necromancy, he had to submit this husk under his control. Explaining the time limit on the spark's shelf life, she urged him to seize command of the husk as soon as possible. Jumping to his feet, Cervantez got to work.

He was determined to pass this test, he needed it. A land of blissful peace would be achieved, and this was his stepping stone. He spent breaks avoiding an trying to force the husk to obey.

Then he just allowed it to happen, stopped forcing it, and soon, the husk slipped from Mariatte to him. He was surprised but glad that he succeeded. By the morning Mariatte was pleased and for the next three arcs, he trained under her, researching the different types of undead and how to properly raise the dead.

By the time he was 27 arcs, he came to the cottage where his mentor lived, only to find that everything was gone. Everything except a small library on necromancy and a note. The note explained that she had to leave, but would always be watching out for him and overseeing his progress. There were other words of encouragement, most of all her interest in seeing him grow.
Last edited by Cervantez on Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:00 am, edited 99 times in total. word count: 1517
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4




Cervantez Xeleno

Dont Underestimate Me


Skill Lores Points
??? ??? ???


Skill Lores Points
Investigation 34 80/250
Necromancy 53 190/250
Blades{Great-Sword} 22 85/250


Skill Lores Points
Strength 13 26/250
Discipline 24 30/250
Detection 30 26/250
Endurance {RB} 20 30/250
Tactics 15 30/250


Skill Lores Points
Polearms: Flail Scythe 6 25/250
Unarmed Combat {Necro Kickboxing} 2 20/250
Leadership 9 25/250
Animal Husbandry{FT} 4 5/100
Research 7 5/250
Deception 6 10/250
Acrobatics 8 25/250
Stealth 2 5/250
Intelligence 2 1/250
Interrogation 2 1/250
Intimidation 2 1/250
Running 2 1/250
Animal Training 12 1/250
Mounts{Massibex} 1 1/250
Negotiation 7 6/250
Socialization 14 6/250
Logistics 1 1/250
Rhetoric 1 1/250
Persuasion 4 11/250
Etiquette{Yaralon} 12 15/250
Resistance 3 5/250


Skill Lores Points
Singing 1 0/250
Seduction 5 0/250
Acting 2 0/250
Gambling 3 0/250
Sociology 1 0/250
Psychology 1 0/250
Meditation 2 0/250


Saved Points
Saved Xp 40
Saved Magic Xp 0


[HI]Race: Lotharro
[HI]Race: Sev'ryn
[HI]Creation Legends: Lotharro
[HI]Customs & Traditions: Sev'ryn
[HI]History: Sev'ryn
[HI]History: Lotharro
[HI]Location: Yaralon
[HI]Laws: Yaralon
[HI]Layout: Yaralon
[HI]Customs & Festivals: Yaralon
[MK]Your Father: Abused you [MK]
[MK]Knowledge: Black Skulls [MK]
Lotharro: Adrenaline Hulks[RN]
Wells can be made from Flaying victims
Massibex Hounds are susceptible to color commands
Necromancers can trap souls
The Envoys: Kidnap mages
The Envoys: Are seeking to fulfill a Prophecy
The Envoys: Are looking for a Champion
The Envoys: Leader was killed by own sword
The Envoys: Have influence across the eastern continent
Du'umurat: Was a great mage
Du'umurat: Wielded a "cursed" sword called "Dinok Qola'as"{Death Herald}
Yaralon: Grand Fracture near the Shield Gate
Grand Fracture: Gives a weird sensation when passing through it
Envoys of Du'umurat: Have a fortress within Maiden's Refuge
Envoys of Du'umurat: Crude map to their base
Fracture: opening at the Shrine of Ralaith
Njama: massibex hound
Njama: riding your pet into battle


Alora: Is a Naerikk
Alora: Is rather eye-catching


Polearm: Flail Scythe | 6
Polearm: Flail Scythe: Like Reaping a Harvest
Polearms{Flail-Scythe}: Wide Sweeping arcs clear the way
Polearms (Flail-Scythe): Wide sweeping slash [AG]
Polearms (Flail-Scythe): Blocking with the shaft [AG]
Polearms (Flail-Scythe): Basically useless in tight quarters [AG]
Polearms (Flail-Scythe): Too risky around allies [AG]
Blades{Great-sword} | 22
Blades {great-sword}: Basic fighting stance[RN]
Blades (Greatsword): Locking blades with an opponent [AG]
Blades{Great-sword}: Great-swords have a greater force put behind them [OB]
Blades{Great-sword}: Attacks are naturally slow [OB]
Blades{Great-sword}: Strikes can send an opponent flying [OB]
Blades{Great-sword}: Great-swords have massive reach [OB]
Blades{Great-sword}: Slicing with a greatsword [AS]
Blades{Great-sword}: Is versatile in the right hands [AS]
Blades{Great-sword}: Remain relaxed, flexible and responsive [AS]
Blades{Great-sword}: An on-guard stance [AS]
Blades{Great-sword}: Can do more damage than other blades [AS]

Blades{Great-sword}: Heavy-handed swings are your friend [ZP]
Blades (Greatsword): Downward slam [AG]
Blades (Greatsword): Uppercut stab [AG]
Blades{Greatsword}: Parrying quick strikes [AG]
Blades{Greatsword}: Can be used to Disarm smaller blades [AG]
Blades (Greatsword): Pull a sword right out of bone [PB]
Blades (Greatsword): These great weapons make a wide circle [PB]
Blades (Greatsword): Some swords have special abilities when they're enchanted artifacts [PB]
Blades (Greatsword): Making your own techniques [PB]
Blades{Greatsword}: Defending against thrall attacks [PG]
Blades{Greatsword}: Keeping enemies at a distance [PG]
Strength | 13
Strength: The soreness of your muscles after a good workout
Strength: Suffocating with raw strength [MK]
Strength: Transporting a dead body up/downstairs
Strength: Fear Produces Adrenaline
Strength: Strength: Putting your strength into a movement
Strength: Hacking up Bodies takes strength[RN]
Strength: Picking up a man by his skull [OB]
Strength: Wielding a Large weapon takes Strength [OB]
Strength: Tearing free of a grip [ZP]
Strength: Use your strength to knock someone out [ZP]
Strength: Getting used to holding a heavy weapon [ZP]

Strength: Holding up a Snatcher that is atop you [AG]
Strength: Knocking someone's Weapon from their hands [AG]
Animal Husbandry | 4
Animal Husbandry: Housing Animals Correctly
Animal Husbandry: Speaking to your Animals [OB]
Animal husbandry: Animals appreciate when you make a fuss over them
Animal Husbandry: Make sure your pupper is okay after the dust clears [PB]
Animal Training | 12
Animal Training: Using colors to give commands [BT]
Animal Training: Using a Massibex Hound to pull carts [AG]
Animal Training: Elbow nudge to instruct to lay down [AG]
Animal Training: Eto, Eto! means to heel, stop [AG]
Animal Training: Trusting a Massibex's warning growls [AG]
Animal Training: Trusting a cat's hissing and swiping [AG]
Animal Training: Sa'a eo! means to cover me [AG]
Animal Training: Ki atu tenei kẹjï epọv! means Charge through [AG]
Animal Training: Nuzzling to provide comfort [AG]
Animal Training: Letting an injured animal rest [AG]
Animal Training: Tell your dog to dig a hole [PB]

Animal Training: Letting your dog run ahead to do what it will [PB]
Negotiation | 7
Negotiation: Explaining what you want [MD]
Negotiation: Dealing with difficult people [MD]
Negotiation: A proposal of the sexual nature [AG]
Negotiation: Agreeing to someone's terms in the bedroom [AG]
Negotiation: Setting terms of payment for a service [AG]
Negotiation: Giving the incentive of more corpses to gain help [MT]
Negotiation: Discussing the Terms of joining a group [MT]
Mounts{Massibex} | 1
Mounts{Massibex}: Fitting armor to your Hound [MD]
Singing | 1
Singing - Song: Chasing Moonlight [MD]
Socialization | 14
Socialization: Dealing with the people of your city [MD]
Socialization: Trying not to get in the way [TV]
Socialization: Always look someone in the eyes [TV]
Socialization: Offering Assistance to Others [TV]
Socialization: Meeting new people, especially mages [STR]
Socialization: Conversing with otherworldly beings [STR]
Socialization: Forming a group of mages [STR]
Socialization: Seeing a familiar face in a crowd of people [NS]
Socialization: Participating in a cultural gathering [NS]
Socialization: Eye Contact
Socialization: Answering questions
Socialization: The art of small talk with strangers
Socialization: Being in a crowded Hallway
Socialization: Acknowledging others with a head nod
Leadership | 9
Leadership: Commanding Animals [TV]
Leadership: Giving Commands in a Crisis [MD]
Leadership: commanding your minions [TP]
Leadership: Tell people what you want from them [MT]
Leadership: Forming a plan for investigating potential bases [MT]
Leadership: Gaining the respect of another mage [MT]
Leadership: Pushing your thralls to raid a base [PB]
Leadership: Thralls don't care if you're inspiring. They just follow orders [PB]
Leadership: Gaining command over a strange realm
Persuasion | 4
Persuasion: convincing a man to follow with a wave of a finger [TV]
Persuasion: Finding common personality traits [MT]
Persuasion: Trying to persuade an enraged spirit [PG]
Persuasion: Attempting to calm down a situation [PG]
Meditation | 2
Meditation: Achieving Balance
Meditation: Finding one's own purpose through self-reflection
Acting | 2
Acting: The Role of Servant [STR]
Acting: False Fealty [STR]
Resistance | 3
Resistance: Being exposed to swamp toxins [SQ]
Resistance: Enduring poison induced fever [SQ]
Resistance: Feeling the burn of toxic water [SQ]
Logistics | 2
Logistics: Preparing for a perilous journey [MD]
Logistics: Prioritize the rescue of a child in dangerous conflict [STR]
Etiquette{Yaralon} | 12
Etiquette: Yari tend to prefer less talking and more doing [AG]
Etiquette: Yari tend to throw objects at people who talk too much [AG]
Etiquette{Yaralon}: Go All Out or Go home [AG]
Etiquette: Introducing oneself to a tourney's organizer [PB]
Etiquette: Yari drinking etiquette [PG]
Etiquette: Apologize when it's necessary [MT]
Etiquette: It's rude to interrupt a musician while playing [MT]
Etiquette: Manners are key [MT]
Etiquette: Naerikk's dance of death [NS]
Etiquette: Taking part in another Race's customs [NS]
Etiquette: Know the customs of Yaralon [PG]
Etiquette: Kneel to show fealty [PG]
Investigation | 34
Investigation: Asking questions to determine not just what, but why [ZP]
Investigation: Knowing when to question, when to keep quiet [ZP]
Investigation: Setting up contacts [ZP]
Investigation: Gathering small details from a story [ZP]
Investigation: Information is power [ZP]
Investigation: Ensure you know all the details [OB]
Investigation: Steer a conversation, don't direct it [OB]
Investigation: Asking questions for clarity [OB]
Investigation: A good investigation starts with a plan [OB]
Investigation: Going to the right person for the information you need [OB]
Investigation: Looking into the rumors surrounding a place [KS]

Investigation: Always check if the coast is clear [KS]
Investigation: Experiencing passing through a fracture for yourself [KS]
Investigation: Touching something to check for danger [KS]
Investigation: Small details can be incredibly important [TV]
Investigation: Checking a dead body for clues [TV]
Investigation: Observing guard rotations [SQ]
Investigation: Counting the guard detail [SQ]
Investigation: Asking why everyone is ignoring someone [AG]
Investigation: Looking into the voices of a burho [AG]
Investigation: Following the sound of a voice [AG]
Investigation: Searching for clues in someone's home [AG]

Investigation: trying to find traces of another Necromancer [AG]
Investigation: Noticing that everyone is experiencing the same phenomenon as you are. [AG]
Investigation: Exploring a Fracture [STR]
Investigation: Looking for wells in a fracture [STR]
Investigation: Seeing what all the rumors are about [NS]
Investigation: Experiencing another's Culture first hand [NS]
Investigation: Reading the journal of a deceased mage [PG]
Investigation: Ascertaining the situation from a third party
Investigation: Small details can be incredibly important.
Investigation: It's important not to get hung up on minor details
Investigation: Putting together clues
Investigation: Asking the Right Questions
Investigation: Questioning your Spark for more details
Deception | 8
Deception: How to feign ignorance
Deception: Leaving Details to the Imagination
Deception: Using half-truths to avoid further questioning
Deception: Saying one thing and thinking another
Deception: Keeping Secrets
Deception: Making someone think you are on their side [ZP]
Deception: Lying to survive a grave encounter [STR]
Deception: Telling them what they want to hear [STR]
Seduction | 5
Seduction: Androgyny is sexy [AG]
Seduction: Honesty is sexy [AG]
Seduction: Seductive tone of voice [AG]
Seduction: Earlobes are Sensitive [AG]
Seduction: Knowing how to please another [AG]
Stealth | 2
Stealth: Using Shadows to Hide [DC]
Stealth: Using rain to cover your actions [OB]
Stealth: Approaching an encampment without being herd [TV]
Sociology | 1
Sociology: Necromancers might be blamed for demon attacks [STR]
Unarmed Combat {Necro Kickboxing} | 2
Unarmed Combat {Necro Kickboxing}: Kicking undead away from you [PG]
Unarmed Combat {Necro Kickboxing}: Blocking thrall swipes with your fists [PG]
Psychology | 1
Psychology: trying to figure out the mental state of a dead mage [PG]
Detection | 30
Detection: Studying and looking for familiar faces [RN]
Detection: A glare [RN]
Detection: Spotting telltale signs of desire [RN]
Detection: Hearing all the important details [RN]
Detection: Observation of a group during intimate settings [ZP]
Detection: Noticing when something is off [MD]
Detection: The distant sounds of combat [AG]
Detection: Seeing a Snatcher step from the shadows [AG]
Detection: Get higher ground to see more [AG]
Detection: Following an opponent's sword movements [AG]
Detection: Noticing when another is enjoying the performance [AG]

Detection: Knowing when someone is undressing you with their eyes [AG]
Detection: Knowing a familiar voice when you hear it [AG]
Detection: Recognizing a familiar face among the crowd [AG]
Detection: Spotting a well-known individual [PG]
Detection: Keeping an eye on someone to get their attention [PG]
Detection: Knowing how to spot wells [STR]
Detection: The feeling that something is wrong [STR]
Detection: Someone approaches [STR]
Detection: The sounds of Music [MT]
Detection: Noticing a necromancer when you see one [MT]
Detection: Distinguishing a Bonesong necromancer from a traditionalist [MT]

Detection: Noting something out of the ordinary [PG]
Detection: Trying to discern an atmosphere [PG]
Detection: The howls of your hound mean danger [STR]
Detection: The moans of the undead [STR]
Detection: A sensation that my spark adores [PG]
Detection: What is this Feeling? [PG]
Detection: Noticing when there is danger
Detection: Seeing familiar faces on the undead
Research | 7
Research: Reading through books [MK]
Research: Careful Testing on Yourself [PG]
Research: Get as many details as possible [PG]
Research: Taking as many notes as possible [PG]
Research: Organising an experiment [PG]
Research: Compiling data [PG]
Research: Record findings [PG]
Rhetoric | 1
Rhetoric: Reciting your notes from memory [KS]
Discipline | 24
Discipline: Practice makes perfect
Discipline: Focusing On One Task
Discipline: Keeping going despite extreme trauma[RN]
Discipline: Performing Tasks while injured[DC]
Discipline: Not straying from the Goal[DC]
Discipline: Being respectful despite disagreeing [TV]
Discipline: Trying to contain Annoyance [ZP]
Discipline: Knowing how to pick your battles [SQ]
Discipline: Maintaining a farce [AG]
Discipline: Knowing when to use Restraint [AG]
Discipline: Being diligent in weapon practice [AG]

Discipline: Performing a task for research purposes [AG]
Discipline: Functioning when feeling sorrow [PG]
Discipline: Keeping focused, not losing yourself in memories [PG]
Discipline: Fighting despite fear [STR]
Discipline: Resisting the urge to thrash a brute
Discipline: Staying focused on figuring out the situation
Discipline: Remaining calm in unknown surroundings
Discipline: Not showing that you are uncomfortable
Discipline: Waiting with patience
Discipline: Being polite, but firm
Discipline: Holding back the urge to snap
Discipline: Not reacting immediately when threatened
Discipline: Follow your instincts
Acrobatics | 8
Acrobatics: Sidestepping a rear attack [AG]
Acrobatics: Keeping upright on a slippery hill [OB]
Acrobatics: Using slides as a means of attack [OB]
Acrobatics: Keeping Balanced on a Slippery, unstable surface [OB]
Acrobatics: Loosening Up Muscles before training [AG]
Acrobatics: Lumping from building to building [TP]
Acrobatic: Employing an acrobatic roll to minimize the impact of several projectiles [PB]
Acrobatics: Sidestepping attacks [PG]
Acrobatics: Bob and weave [PG]
Intelligence | 2
Intelligence: Getting Information Right from the Source [RN]
Intelligence: Contact {Withersfield Farmer} [AG]
Tactics | 16
Tactics: Using Thralls for Combat Bait[RN]
Tactics: Sometimes dirty ploys yield good results[DC]
Tactics: Unpredictability Keeps the Enemy Guessing [ZP]
Tactics: Adapting to your Surroundings [MD]
Tactics: When surrounded on the ground, go higher [AG]
Tactics: Immediately retrieving your weapon after being disarmed [AG]
Tactics: Recognizing a battle of attrition [AG]
Tactics: Drawing a crude map in the dirt [AG]
Tactics: Armor is a good idea [PB]
Tactics: Determining the strength of the enemy before attacking [PB]
Tactics: Shield walls [AB]

Tactics: Use blunt weapons against marrows [AB]
Tactics: Working with allies [AB]
Tactics: Stalling for time [AB]
Tactics: Defensive formation with thralls [AB]
Tactics: When your necromancy doesn’t work [STR]
Interrogation | 2
Interrogation: Blunt questions are often the best ones[DC]
Intimidation: Staring someone down so they don't say something you don't want them to [AG]
Gambling | 3
Gambling: Bare Zero - rules [PG]
Gambling: Choosing what to bet [PG]
Gambling: Judging your hand [PG]
Running | 3
Running: Sprinting up a gangplank
Running: Sprinting in a muddy arena to close ground with one's opponent [PB]
Running: Fleeing from a horde of undead
Intimidation | 2
Intimidation: Threatening a man's only child [DC]
Intimidation: Demanding an answer in spite of politeness [OB]
Endurance | 20
Endurance: The pain of a physical beating
Endurance: Bracing for a Powerful Hit[RN]
Endurance: Fighting in In-climate Weather [OB]
Endurance: Moving in motion hindering substances [OB]
Endurance: Forcing yourself to move after pausing is more difficult [OB]
Endurance: Sailing through the pain [ZP]
Endurance: Pacing yourself [ZP]
Endurance: Fighting against multiple opponents [ZP]
Endurance: Fighting monsters with no Sleep [MD]
Endurance: No Pain, No Gain [MD]
Endurance: Holding out Against Binding Restraints [MD]
Endurance: Falling through two stories of a bar [AG]

Endurance: Absorbing the impact of a firebolt against one's back [PB]
Endurance: Being expelled from a fracture [STR]
Endurance: Having an emean being grip your spark [STR]
Endurance: Enduring the pressure of a powerful being [STR]
Endurance: Withstanding an empathy blast
Endurance: Uncomfortable situations are taxing
Endurance: Being deconstructed & reconstructed
Endurance: Having unknown energy within your body
Endurance: The Weight of Ephemera
Last edited by Cervantez on Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:11 am, edited 41 times in total. word count: 2681
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4




Cervantez Xeleno

Dont Underestimate Me
Skill Point Expenditure

Point Spendage

Reason Points Skill
Starting Package +50pts +5 Animal Husbandry| +15 Necromancy| +5 Strength| +25 Pole-arms: Flail Scythes
Character Approval: Munchkin +13pts Strength: +5| Research: +5| Stealth: +3
No Rest For The Dead +10pts Necromancy
Do You Wanna Build a Zombie? +10pts Necromancy
Body Snatching +10pts Discipline
Smoke Signals +15pts Necromancy
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.1 +10pts Strength
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.2 +10pts Blades{Great-sword}
Killed By the Bone +15pts Necromancy
Fresh Bodies, Locally Sourced +15pts Blades{Great-sword}
We all need a Gentle Push +10pts Necromancy
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.3 part A +10pts Investigation
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.3 part B +10pts Detection
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.4 +10pts Acrobatics
A Wise Choice +10pts Investigation
A Yari & his Sword +10pts Necromancy
The Anatomy of a Funeral Pyre +15pts +4 Blades{Great-sword}| +6 Investigation| +5 Strength
Spar for the Course +15pts +11 Strength| +4 Tactics
Withersfield Belongs to the Gourds +15pts +2 Stealth|
+1 Tactics, Intelligence, Interrogation, Intimidation, Running, Animal Training, Mounts{Massibex}, Negotiation, Socialization, Logistics, Rhetoric, Leadership, Persuasion
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.5 +10pts +10 Necromancy
Snatched in the False of Night +20pts +5 Endurance, 15 Blades{Great-sword}
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.6 +10pts +10 Necromancy
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.7 +10pts +10 Necromancy
Picking a Bone +15pts +15 Blades {great-sword}
A Weaver Among Warriors +15pts +15 Blades {great-sword}
Spar Anyone +15pts +15 Etiquette{Yaralon}
A Mutual Release +15pts +10 Detection | +5 Discipline
Deadly Dancers +15pts +6 Detection | +9 Discipline
Of Rats and Madmen +15pts +6 Discipline | +9 Leadership
Nothing Like A Mother's Voice +15pts +14 Investigation | +1 Blades {great-sword}
It Takes A Village +20pts +20 Acrobatics
Beauty is the Promise of the Future +15pts +15 Necromancy
Fight For Your Right +15pts +5 Necromancy| +10 Unspent
The Value of Everything +15pts +15 Unspent
Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go +15pts +15 Leadership
Unspent +25pts +5 Resistance| +10 Persuasion| +5 Negotiation| +5 Socialization
Death Brings New Oppertunities +15pts +15 Saved XP
Escape Your Own Skull +20pts +20 Svaed Magic XP
Lightless Revelry +15pts +5 Saved XP| +10 Saved Magic XP
Taking Root +20pts +20 Saved XP
Fractured Earth +15pts +15 Saved Magic XP
Saved Magic XP +45pts +45 Necromancy
Saved XP +25pts +25 Tactics
Rise of the Fallen +20pts +20 Investigation
Saved XP +20pts +20 Investigation
The Call +20pts +20 Unarmed Combat {Necro Kickboxing}
The Purel +20pts +20 Saved XP
The Trial of the Inferior +20pts +20 Saved XP
Last edited by Cervantez on Sun Oct 20, 2019 2:53 am, edited 87 times in total. word count: 431
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Re: Cervantez Xeleno

Arcana Prowess


- On every thrall raised by Cervantez, this symbol glows with an eerie blue-green light on a visible part of the thrall


Withering Gaze: At this level of awakening, the spark wishes to express death in its purest form. A subtle change that the spark accomplishes this is by giving the mage bone-like eyes sockets. This means that Cervantez's eyes are now hollowed out crevices, identical to that of a skeleton's eye socket. His eyeballs are no more and thus are replaced by a glowing flicker of blue-green light instead. This glowing like flicker takes the place and function of what his eyeballs did, allowing him to still see but making his gaze far more menacing and instilling a sense of "Death is Coming" feel, be it intentional or not. In exchange for this somewhat disheartening cosmetic mutation, the mage, if ever stabbed within the eyes or sustain an eye injury, will be unaffected by such attacks {Be it no vital strike is given to the brain or anything beyond the eye socket.}
{Approved by Aegis}
The Bone Lord: With this level of power and awakening, Cerv's spark now gets to stretch its metaphorical legs a little more. This time, however, it's more precise in the fact that Marrows become a specialty for Cervantez.

Ⅰ} The spark is so fascinated by bones and marrows that it expresses this by removing the flesh upon Cervantez's hands and feet. These appendages are nothing but bone now, covered in the same ether like flame that flickers in his eyes. These ether flames are not fire but a representation of the sparks burning desire to spread necromancy and death.

Ⅱ} Marrows are fascinating to this spark, and it is aware of how reliable Cervantez finds them. As such it makes raising marrow thralls easier for its host by cutting the cost of said thralls in half, as well as any template applied to them. The tradeoff to this is that other thralls now cost double what they normally would raise which can be taxing and lead to overstepping.
{Approved By Oracle}


Ⅰ} Preserve {Freco/Energico}
The most basic of principles a Necromancer learns, Preserve is the simple cessation of decay in living matter. Necessary for the longevity of thralls, Necromancers can sometimes overlook the importance of this ability. Preserve has a multitude of functions outside the simple maintenance of a thrall. Food can be preserved for a prolonged period in a Necromancer's care, lending them a certain edge while living outside civilization or on long journeys. Similarly, a Necromancer's Preserve ability can guard against other powers that encourage rot, decay, or corrosion. Some headstrong Transmuters realize too late that a skilled necromancer can often guard against their powers, given that deconstruction is such a vital part of the magic. Necromancers are often admired and envied for their ability to defy age. While most consider this to be a practice of turning themselves undead, most necromancers passively preserve the youth in their appearance simply by knowing the magic. While this ability does nothing to actually extend a necromancer's lifespan, it often ensures they will have a youthful air to them up until their last breath.
Ⅱ} Sap {Adagissimo/Lacrimoso}
A Necromancer's magic is heavy. Among all the different domain types, Necromancy spells tend to hold the heaviest concentration of ether. Early in a Necromancer's development, they learn that their magic is more suited to have others fight for them than to join the fray themselves. While lacking the offensive prowess of Hone or Defiance, a necromancer quickly develops early methods to defend themselves when in peril. Sap is cast when a necromancer releases a miasma of black-tinged ether. The ether clings to whatever living thing it can find, stealing their strength, heat, and energy. This ability grows ever more powerful as a Necromancer progresses. Revealed Liches can sap the fight out of trained Knights in moments, only the most disciplined and powerful able to continue battling. Given that Sap only attaches to the living, some Necromancers choose to use this ability in tandem with their thralls, sapping the fight from their opponents while the undead tears a foe to shreds. A Necromancer is capable of manipulating this miasma within their range. Some have used the dark ether clouds as a means to cover the escape. Sap can either be as easy or taxing as the Necromancer desires. The more ether they pour from themselves into the miasma, the more they risk Overstepping, but the greater the effects can be. In addition, Sap speeds up decay, allowing a necromancer to more swiftly strip a corpse of flesh than waiting for it in real life. Sap, when maintained, will degrade all nonliving flesh in its area.
Ⅲ} Link {Cambiare}
When a Necromancer reaches into the competent levels of their craft, they learn to better tap into their thralls. Where before, a Necromancer was only capable of ordering a thrall to act within their radius, Link extends that radius for a single thrall and opens a Necromancer's power to a ranged component. Many necromancers are all too aware of their magic's limitations. They will never have the destructive prowess of more overt magic, instead, they must evolve through their near unrivaled minion manipulation. A link allows a Necromancer to piggy-back on a thrall's senses, tapping in and riding along. This link is much stronger than a necromancer's ordinary thrall raising power and can only be used with one minion at a time at competent. When using Link, the Necromancer falls into a meditative trance and melds their consciousness with a chosen thrall. Once the link has been established, the Necromancer can keep their power flowing in a singular link and greatly improve their distance and range of control. While not perfect, the control allows a necromancer to issue orders based on new environmental threats to their thrall and send servants out much farther than their ordinary range might allow fetching bodies, aid in assassinations, or scout. At competence, only one thrall can be linked to. While Link is active a necromancer cannot cast any other necromancy spells around their body. Their senses extend through their creation instead. If a necromancer is disturbed while linked, their consciousness will snap back to their body, abandoning the thrall. A necromancer can only establish a link while a thrall is within their range. If the link fails while the thrall is outside that range, any active magic in that thrall will inevitably fail. If there is no well otherwise keeping it animated, it will immediately cease animation. The improved range of a necromancer using a link at Competent is up to a few city blocks. At expertise that prowess extends to nearly an entire city. At Mastery that distance is doubled and a Revealed necromancer could maintain a link on a thrall in an entire region. At expertise, an additional thrall can be linked to...though this can be quite tiring to a necromancer who easily risks overstepping by engaging in two thralls at once. A Necromancer should also have a high degree of meditation or discipline to properly divide their attention between the two linked creatures. Mastery allows three linked thralls and a necromancer is capable of casting up to competent magic from any of the thralls as if they were there themselves. At revealed, the number of thralls that can be linked increases to five and up to expert spells can be cast from any of the linked thralls while a necromancer is in control.
Ⅳ} Restore {Lusingando}
Another competent ability and the evolution of Preserve, Restore is a regenerative technique that undoes the damage of rot and damage to a corpse. Usually a fairly slow process at competence, this ability can be made much quicker at mastery and near instantaneous for a revealed necromancer. No amount of damage, save the complete annihilation of a corpse, is beyond the purview of Restore. Although depending on the damage to the body, the amount of effort, ether, and time can vary wildly. Most necromancers accept a certain amount of rot in their creations. Few have the time or the energy to painstakingly regenerate a body to the moment of death, but some perfectionists claim that the best thralls are kept in pristine condition. Given the necromancer's line of work is often going to be violent, this ability evolved from a need to regenerate limbs or speed along the passive process of an inserted well. For some necromancers, it was a means to make a corpse more viable as a thrall, rather than a fragile, rotting, mess. The more degraded a corpse is, the harder it is and longer it takes for a necromancer to renew it. Despite its power, restore cannot renew blood. Once the blood has died, no amount of restore can imbue life into it again.
Ⅴ} Wither {Diminuendo}
While Restore quickly regenerates a corpse to its natural state, Wither does the opposite. After learning this ability, an expert necromancer can focus entropic energy around their hands which swiftly rots away any living matter that comes in contact with it. While primarily an expedited tool from Sap, Wither has become an essential part of a necromancer's arsenal in combat. Wither can only be conducted with skin on skin contact. When touched while a necromancer is using Wither, healthy skin will begin to quickly necrotize and rot wherever the necromancer touches. This ability can be fatal if maintained and becomes ever more dangerous after the encounter, as the wound will swiftly become infected without a physician's aid. The touch of a necromancer leaves craters in the skin, can rot the flesh from bone, and turn muscle into rotting slop. Usually, a necromancer must maintain contact to maintain the worst of these effects, but any amount of contact while this ability is being used is inadvisable. Armor of any kind but that made of organic matter is effective against this attack. Paired with Lisirra's rotting touch, this ability can be terrifyingly swift and effective.
Ⅵ} Protocol {Imperioso}
Protocol is the process of encoding commands into the undead. As a necromancer grows in power they may not always be directly controlling their thralls. Some must be trusted to operate or defend on their own without the necromancer's intervention. Protocol is the magic for that. As long as the thrall remains under the necromancer's control, a necromancer can encode a new protocol every six skill points along his or her track, with two additional commands available as a revealed necromancer. These protocols can be as general or specific as the necromancer desires, allowing them to become quite creative in the commands they ask their thralls to interpret. A Thrall can be commanded to attack any stranger that enters a domain as easily as it can be commanded to make a bed after the necromancer has risen from it. A Thrall can be commanded to follow and protect another individual, or stand inactive until a certain command has been called. Most necromancers find this easiest, as literally controlling the thrall to act on will alone can cost effort, time, and ether. Primarily of use to thralls that have wells within them (due to the more permanent nature of the thrall), a necromancer can also command a thrall animated by their will alone to walk out into an area to see if there is a trap, and observe it from a distance, or ask a thrall to attack anyone who might sneak up on the necromancer while they take their attention from the battlefield (although not taking their magic from the thrall). Any thrall with a soulstone can take double the amount of protocols as any other thrall.
Ⅶ} Corpse Molding {Fantasia}
Corpse Molding is the pinnacle of a Necromancer's corpse manipulation. At this stage, the necromancer can warp a dead body like clay, similar to what a Grafter can do, truly coming into their own as a creative power. Corpse Molding allows a Necromancer to easily manipulate all dead flesh and bone into the shapes and directions he or she desires. Stitchborn and Marrows are the results of Corpse Molding. In addition, a Necromancer becomes capable of Bonecraft, a subset of corpse molding specifically around bones. A Necromancer can use Bonecraft to fashion weapons from any bones they find and even flood their own body with their magic, strengthening their bones beneath their skin against damage. It is said few expert necromancers die from falling, strengthening their bones against breaking or damage even as their flesh tears from the force of their impact. There is lore of a necromancer fist fighter who could dent armor with the power of his blows and the strength of his augmented bones.


Necromancy: 43
Necromancy: Initiation
Necromancy: Basic Thralls [MK]
Necromancy: Preserving Keeps the Corpse Fresh [OB]
Necromancy: Thoughts help direct thralls [OB]
Necromancy: Applying ether in various mediums [OB]
Necromancy: Emotions effect thrall reactions to reanimation [OB]
Necromancy: Controlling a Corpse is like being a Puppeteer [OB]
Necromancy: Waking up the Bones
Necromancy: Instructing your Undead
Necromancy: Picking the right corpse
Necromancy: Ether makes the Dead rise like bread

Necromancy: Sapping drains the vitality
Necromancy: Controlling more than one Thrall is taxing[RN]
Necromancy: Keeping the reigns on your thralls[RN]
Necromancy: Raising a thrall as a demonstration[RN]
Necromancy Ability - Link [AG]
Necromancy: Link can be used to control a thrall with your mind [AG]
Necromancy: Ability - Restore [BT]
Necromancy: Repairing damaged flesh takes time [BT]
Necromancy: Restore only brings back flesh, not blood [BT]
Necromancy: Live subjects are better for learning new techniques [BT]

Necromancy: Practicing Restore on several limbs builds familiarity with the technique [BT]
Necromancy: Wither erodes flesh Alarmingly Fast [AS]
Necromancy: Wither works on all Organic Matter [MD]
Necromancy: Linking a thrall helps in being a spy [SQ]
Necromancy: Protocol (Imperioso) [SQ]
Necromancy: Imparting orders with the use of Protocol [SQ]
Necromancy: Keep Protocol instructions simple & clear [SQ]
Necromancy: Thralls can be left on their own with orders [SQ]
Necromancy: bringing the dead to life [TP]
Necromancy: Mixing sword-play and tactical necromantic spells [PB]
Necromancy: Utilizing the effects of Sap in a fight [NS]
Necromancy: Sap can turn the tides of any battle [NS]

Necromancy: Undead vs Undead [AB]
Necromancy: Controlling thralls with blunt weapons [AB]
Necromancy: Defensive tactics [AB]
Necromancy: Making a shield wall [AB]
Necromancy: Don't join in the fighting yourself [AB]
Necromancy: Commanding from behind the lines [AB]
Necromancy: Thrall raising miasma [AB]
Necromancy: Necromantic statues [AB]
Necromancy: Teaming up with other necromancers [AB]
Necromancy: Overloading necromantic statues [AB]











Last edited by Cervantez on Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:13 am, edited 15 times in total. word count: 2463
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Re: Cervantez Xeleno

Its Just Material Things
cloak (SP)
Shirt (SP)
Tan pants (SP)
Undergarments (SP)
Leather boots (SP)
Black coat (SP)
One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste (SP)
One waterskin (SP)
Two sets of eating utensils (SP)
Tinderbox (SP)
Njama, Massibex Hound {Approved by City Mod}
Kennel (SP)
Prized Possession: Mortal Shredder{Broken}
Gifted Greatsword

Cervantez won a weapon blessed by Faldrun himself made of emdersteel. Much like the favored of Faldrun, Sunbreaker is enchanted to manipulate solar energy it absorbs from the sun. Mirroring the Corona ability of those favored by Faldrun, the hammer is able to coat itself in solar energy for a break once every two trials. This takes on the appearance of a golden flaming glow. The golden flaming glow acts as a source of light. It also has combat capabilities as the solar energy can be used to heat the head of the hammer to the equivalent of 100 degrees celsius.

Dinok Qola'as
Amplify: The core ability of this artifact is to take the energy/spells of the wielder and amplify it through the greatsword itself. The energy/spells of the wielder become twice as strong and effective this way, but cost twice the amount of ether to wield. By doing this the weapon is empowered by said spells and utilize them with ease. This is noted by the necrotic miasma that coats the blade. The sword's wake, or an area about a couple of feet of radius, bears the magic of whatever spell is infusing the blade at a given moment while it's being swung. This makes it easier to land glancing hits that bear a slight vestige of the spell's power.

Approval Link
Masterwork Armor
The Journal of Du'umurat
Token of Bounty
While it is customary for all to bring gifts as part of the Moseke Gathering festival, as thanks for the participation and their part in the cause, the hosts offer something in return. A sliver of snow-white material, resembling the same brown and green ribbons worn by the participants, has been thoroughly soaked in the... well, in Karara. The freshly-drawn remnants of the ceremony carry with them the bounty of the ceremony itself and bestow noticeably enhanced stamina and clarity of mind to any who wear them, as well as increased fertility and drastically improving the likelihood of producing a child. The only downside is a drastically improved libido, heightened sensitivity of... certain regions, and hot flushes of desire. It also smells of exactly what you would guess it smells of. A lot of it.
Mark of Respect
For taking part in a very respected Yari tradition, a small coin has been left in their pockets (whenever they next find their clothes after the ceremony). An insignia carved into the coin marks a small token of respect from Karara and Salyck themselves. Show it in a time of need and they will aid you in any reasonable request or circumstance. Use at your own risk and within reason - attempted overuse or abuse of their kindness will be met with stern consequences, nor will they willingly throw their lives into danger on your behalf.
Domain Pocket
A smart jacket which fits Cervantez - and has a pocket which is, effectively, a Domain Bag. Only items that will fit into the opening of a jacket pocket will fit in there, but other than that it functions just like a normal domain bag.
A mirror which allows the person holding it to see themselves in any type of disguise / make up etc - as though it were done at expert or even master level of skill. Once a day, this will aid someone who is applying make-up (Cosmetology) or disguising themselves (Disguise) by making their skill effectively 1 level higher than it is. However, they must study the reflection in the mirror for a few moments, and apply the makeup/ disguise to themselves.
Enthralling Illusion
A small necklace, glowing with magic. When a thrall (only works on thralls) is wearing this - the thrall looks less... dead. They could almost pass scrutiny as alive and will require someone with expert level detection or psychology to observe that the thrall is not... quite... right.
Thirst Diamond{Aberryte}: 1
Rainbow Well{Ezymite}: 6

Rainbow Wells can store 3 Novice Aspects or 2 Competent Aspects of any Domain Magic, (or a proper combination of such, with Novice being .33, Competent .50 with the maximum total being 1.0). A Domain Mage inherently can feel the different aspects, thus allowing them to choose which they want to use. These stored aspects are 1 time use, but more can be added after the first are used.

Raw State
Raw Rainbow Wells can always be detected by a person who has a domain magic spark within them. This detection ability increases based on the tier of the mage, with novice at 20 meters, competent at 50 meters, expert at 100 meters, master at 200 meters, and revealed at 500 meters. This allows them to be found typically easier by mages than non-mages.
Skeever Stones{Morlakyte}: 1

Skeever Stones can store 6 Novice Aspects, 4 Competent Aspects, or 2 Expert Aspect of any Domain Magic (or a proper combination of such, with Novice being .33, Competent .50, Expert being 1.0 with the maximum total being 2.0). A Domain Mage inherently can feel the different aspects, thus allowing them to choose which they want to use. These stored aspects are 1 time use, but more can be added after the first are used.

Raw Skeever Stones can absorb any and all known energies in Idalos and convert them into Domain Ether within themselves. While this does make the Skeever Stone grow in size and make it more aggressive, it effectively becomes the largest ether "battery" possible, although incredibly dangerous to keep around in a raw state. Additionally, Raw Skeever Stones that are not allowed to consume regularly will begin to shrink, all the way back down to their coin size. Keeping multiple Skeevers is incredibly dangerous as they will try to consume one another. Using a Raw Skeever Stone in a magical creation runs the risk of it growing the same legs and leaving the mage, or in the case of Necromancy, slipping the leash, becoming an independent undead, no longer under the Necromancer's control. It can steal feast on energies even if constructed, so long as the well is left raw.
Dreamstone{Emetyte}: 1

Can store 4 Novice Aspects, 3 Competent Aspects, 2 Expert Aspects, or 1 Master aspect of any Domain Magic (or a proper combination of such, with Novice being .25, Competent .33, Expert .50, and Master being 1.0, with the maximum total being 1.0). A Domain Mage inherently can feel the different aspects, thus allowing them to choose which they want to use.

Falling asleep with a raw Dreamstone within 2 meters of a person will initiate them into Dreamwalking if they are not already. If the individual is a Dreamwalker, it will grant them a +10 temporary bonus to the skill, effectively letting them be 1 Tier higher. This cannot exceed the 100 point max cap.
Nightmare Well{Umadyte}: 1

Can store 4 Novice Aspects, 3 Competent Aspects, 2 Expert Aspects, or 1 Master aspect of any Domain Magic (or a proper combination of such, with Novice being .25, Competent .33, Expert .50, and Master being 1.0, with the maximum total being 1.0). A Domain Mage inherently can feel the different aspects, thus allowing them to choose which they want to use.

A person who falls asleep with a raw Nightmare Well within 2 meters of them will be trapped in their dreamscape indefinitely unless the well is moved/destroyed, or a Dreamwalker gets them out. During this time, Nightmare beasts are extremely attracted to the individual's dreamscape. If the person is a Dreamwalker, but not marked by either Jesine or Kielik, they will experience a temporary -10 Dreamwalking bonus. If they are marked by Jesine or Kielik, they will be unaffected by the bonus. This cannot drop the skill below 0.
Mulha'an{Diri of Persistance}
Li'ivrah{Diri of Re-Animation}
- Image
A spirit familiar that sorta fused with/possesses/bonded to/did the symbiote thing Venom does with Cervantez
1: Re-Animation Reset: For anyone who deals in re-animation, losing that which they have granted a semblance of life too is a costly loss, especially if they have invested time into the lost creature and made a higher class. Cerv's Re-Animation Diri can restore this false life to any of re-animated creatures that have been destroyed, restoring them to the state they were in just before they were restored. This can only be done once per creature and must be done within a break of its destruction. In addition, since it restores the creature to the state it was in just prior to its destruction, Cerv must be cautious when asking for the Diri to use this power, as it could simply lead to the creature being destroyed again if he is reckless.
2: Taking Back The Gift: Many Diri view the practice of re-animation as a gift, one that can be both bestowed and withdrawn. Using this power, Cerv's Re-Animation Diri can take back the ether Cerv used to re-animate an undead, using to restore his own ether reserves, recover his energy, or even heal minor wounds. This ability can only be used once a season, but can target any re-animated being of his own creation.
3: Cut the Strings: Animation doesn't refer merely to the ability to re-animate the dead, but to cease that re-animation. Using this ability, Cerv's Re-animation Diri can disable the power animating up to any 5 undead beings. This does not apply to ghosts, Liches, Stoneborn, or anything that has been truly revived. This ability can only be used once a trial.
4: Identifying Tether: Every form of animation carries with it a faint trace of the animator themselves, no matter how they manage it. Cerv's Re-animation Diri can track those traces back to where the animation took place, which may help Cerv track down the original animator.

Last edited by Cervantez on Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:18 am, edited 13 times in total. word count: 1735
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Re: Cervantez Xeleno

All Of My Accounts


Reason Awarded Total
Duels and career as an Assassin/Mercenary +20 20 Fame
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.1 +10 30 Fame
Killed By the Bone +10 40 Fame
Winning A Duel of the Spear +10 50 Fame
Conversing with a Foreign Warrior +5 55 Fame
Participating in a public, open sparring +10 65 Fame
For defending the city and being loud and talkative +20 85 Fame
Training Someone +5 90 Fame
Helping a Farmer in Need +5 95 Fame
For taking notable part in a large public festival +15 110 Fame
Participation in a Tournament +20 130 Fame
For meeting and having a drink with a famous Yari Runner +5 135 Fame
For taking part in a Naerikk tradition +5 140 Fame
Helping in the birth of the Great Tree Burho +15 155 Fame
For sacking a cultist base +15 170 Fame
For word spreading about those causing mischief and getting injured in a major fracture +10 180 Fame
Rise of the Fallen +15 195 Fame
Wealth Ledger

Wealth Points

Item Purchases Total
Grandfathered In Tier 4, 51 WPs 51 WPs
??? ??? 51 WPs
Old Coin Ledger

Coin Purse

Item Purchases/Gains Total
Starting Package +100 100 Gnel
Looted Corpses +150 250Gnel
Looted from the ship +150 400Gnel
Given as reward for the job well done +150 550Gnel
Shopping Trip - 347 203Gnel
Season: Saun 718 Wage Request + 350 553Gnel
Bag of Nels found on a corpse +100 653Gnel
Masterwork Armor -520 133Gnel
thread Lists

Hot Cycle {718}

Title Date Type Status
☠ No Rest for the Dead ☠ Ymiden 4th Solo Graded
☠ A Wise Choice ☠ Ymiden 8th Solo Graded
☠ Body Snatching ☠ Ymiden 13th Solo Graded
☠ Do You wanna Build A Zombie ☠ Ymiden 14th Solo Graded
☠ Smoke Signals ☠ Ymiden 40th Collab Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.1 Ymiden 50th Solo Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.2 Ymiden 50th Solo Graded
☠ Certain Things Better Left Dead ☠ Ymiden 59th Solo Incomplete
☠ Withersfield Belongs to the Gourds! ☠ Ymiden 68th Collab Graded
☠ Of rats and Madmen ☠ Saun 20th Modded & Collab Graded
☠ Fresh Bodies, Locally Sourced ☠ Saun 21st Collab Graded
☠ Killed By the Bone ☠ Saun 28th Solo Graded
☠ A world outside your Hwyndow ☠ Ashan 13th{699} Dream Abandoned
☠ Anatomy of a Funeral Pyre ☠ Late Saun Collab Graded
☠ Spar the Course ☠ Saun 35th Collab Graded
☠ We all need a Gentle Push ☠ Saun 37th Solo Graded
☠ Snatched In the False of Night ☠ Saun 40th Event Graded

Cold Cycle {718}

Title Date Type Status
☠ Sword in the Bone Ch. 3 part A ☠ Vhalar 2nd Solo Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone Ch. 3 part B ☠ Vhalar 3rd Solo Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone Ch. 4 ☠ Vhalar 5th Solo Graded
☠ A Yari & His Sword ☠ Vhalar 5th Solo Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone Ch. 5 ☠ Vhalar 6th to 7th Solo Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch.6 Vhalar 8th to 9th Solo Graded
☠ Sword in the Bone ☠ Ch. 7 Vhalar 10th Solo Graded
☠ Picking a Bone ☠ Vhalar 13th Collab Graded
☠ Nothing Like A Mother's Voice ☠ Vhalar 18th Open/Collab Complete
☠ Deadly Dancers ☠ Vhalar 19th Collab Graded
☠ Daddy Dearest ☠ Vhalar 35th Solo Incomplete
☠ It Takes A Village ☠ Vhalar 76th AF/Event Abandoned
☠ A Mutual Release ☠ Vhalar 79th AF/Collab Graded
☠ Beauty is the Promise of the Future ☠ Zi'da 93rd Event Ongoing
☠ The Rise of the Fallen ☠ Zi'da 10 Event/Collab Ongoing
☠ Fight For Your Right ☠ Vhalar 43rd Event Ongoing
☠ Escape Your Own Skull ☠ Vhalar 81st Modded Ongoing

Rebirth Cycle {719}

Title Date Type Status
Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go Cylus 1st Collab Ongoing
The Pure Ashan 30, Possibly Event Complete
The Fractured Earth Ashan 100th Collab Graded
TheTrial of the Inferior Ashan 30, Possibly Event Complete
The Call Ashan 30th Event Graded
To Court the Fairies Cylus 16th Collab/Event Ongoing
Lightless Revelry Cylus 7th Collab/AF Ongoing
A Conversation By Fracture Light Cylus 27th Collab Ongoing
Well, There Goes the Neighborhood Ashan 12th Collab Ongoing
The Wrong Kind of Attention Cylus11th Collab Ongoing
Guts & Glory Ashan 5th Collab Ongoing
And So it Begins Ashan 31st Solo Ongoing
A Marriage of Fire & Death TBA Collab Pending

Hot Cycle {719}

Title Date Type Status
Death Brings New Oppertunities Ymiden 43rdrd Collab Complete
Time and Time Again Ymiden 60th GST Ongoing
Wee Little Demons Ymiden 33rd Collab Ongoing
Receiving Head Ymiden 1st Collab Ongoing
Cleaning up the Vermin Ymiden 47th Collab Ongoing
Lightnning Some Fires Ymiden 31st Collab Ongoing

Last edited by Cervantez on Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:28 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 741
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 454
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:59 am
Race: Lotharro
Profession: Yari Runner/Mercenary/Assassin
Renown: 195
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 4




Re: Cervantez Xeleno

Point Bank
Collection of Points

Point Bank

So I would like to make a combined Point bank ledger for all my pcs, the main account being Cervantez.

Reach 50+ in a Skill: 1 x 5 = 5
Necromancy 60 /250 {Cervantez}

Earn a Medal: 2 x 5 = 10
Helper & Peer Reviewer Medals {Zasalamir}

Locations made: 1 x 5 = 5
The Cut {Zasalamir}

Npcs made: 3 x 2 = 6
Mariatte {Cervantez}
Sadart & Minerva Urhon {Cervantez}

Finish Collaborative Thread with 2+ PCs: 1 x 5 = 5
Summer Fayre {Siorey}

Met a mortalborn IC: 1 x 2 = 2
Refining The Sword (Doran) {Zasalamir}

Reviews: 10 x 5 = 55
A bad Case of Mutual Refraction {2 Pages = 10} {Zasalamir}
Dont Get Tide Down {Zasalamir}
Stop Trying to Kill Me Please {Zasalamir}
A Better Deal {Zasalamir}
The Science of Uncertainty {Cervantez}
Meditation Memory 2 {Cervantez}
Meditation Memory 1 {Cervantez}
The Wind Speaks {Cervantez}
Preparing for whats to come {Cervantez}
Feeling the Elements {Cervantez}

Open thread complete: 1 x 2 = 2
Smoke Signals {Cervantez}

Create approved Fauna & Mount: 2 + 2 = 4
Massibex Hounds {Zasalamir}

Create approved Flora: 2 x 1 = 2
Seductive Storm {Yavanna}

Total = 96

Bought a Chalice of Fortune = -30pb

Total = 66

Event Participation and Completion = 4
Snatched in the False of Night {Cervantez}
Fox in the Hen House {Yavanna}

Skill Write Up = 20
Feris Tenebris{ Brutal Darkness} Unarmed Combat {Yavanna}

Create an Approved Song = 3
The Crimson Hymnal {Dosan}

Thread Reviews {Cervantez} = 360
The Ashvane Reflection {10}
I Remember The Swallows {10}
Choosing A Side {10}
Burned Boat {10}
[Lysoria] The Aberrant's Guide to Monsters {25}
Mundane to Monstrous {10}
Ominous Rumours {10}
Ether and Candied Apples {10}
Mask Off {10}
Dig Two Graves {10}
Rose Colored Shades {10}
All Walls Are Made of Glass {10}
Take Me to Church [Noth] {50: 14,636 WC}
He Just Wants.... A little Conversation {20: 4,512 WC}
I like these calm little moments before the storm {15: 3,124 WC}
Someone's Coming Up. Someone Serious {25: 6,452 WC}
Tongue Unspoken {10}
Back To Dreaming {10}
The Gang is (Almost) All Here {10}
An Idiot Explodes {15: 3,905 WC}
Painted Sunrise {20: 4,637 WC}
Glittering Meadows {15: 3,236 WC}
Sugar for the Birds {10}
Robin is a Stalker {15: 3,090 WC}

Finish Collaborative Thread with 2+ PCs (not including your PC) = 10
Snatched in the False of Night {Cervantez}
Fox in the Hen House {Yavanna}

Approved Fauna = 4
Blitznir {Yavanna}
Sangue Selvagem {Blood Savage} {Dosan}

Top Sites & RPG Fix Votes = 62
July 2018 Top Sites (Cervantez) +2
July 2018 Top Sites (Yavanna) +2
July 2018 Top Sites (Siorey) +2
August 2018 Top Sites (Cervantez) +2
August 2018 Top Sites (Yavanna) +2
August 2018 Top Sites (Siorey) +2
September 2018 Top Sites (Cervantez) +3
September 2018 Top Sites (Yavanna) +3
September 2018 Top Sites (Siorey) +3
September 2018 Top Sites (Dosan) +3
October 2018 Top Sites (Cervantez) +4
October 2018 RPG Fix (Cervantez) +4
October 2018 Top Sites (Yavanna) +4
October 2018 RPG Fix (Yavanna) +4
October 2018 Top Sites (Siorey) +4
October 2018 RPG Fix (Siorey) +4
October 2018 Top Sites (Dosan) +4
October 2018 RPG Fix (Dosan) +4
October 2018 Top Sites (Oluwanje) +4
October 2018 RPG Fix (Oluwanje) +4

Renown Rewards = 100
Cervantez = 85 Renown
- 50 pb

Yavanna = 55 Renown
- 50 pb

Total: 66 + 553 = 629

PB NPC: Fantasma - 200pb

Total: 629 - 200 = 429

2019{January 1st - May 4th}
PB NPC: Anansye - 400pb

Total: 429 - 400 = 29

Thread Reviewed {Cervantez}: 455
Flesh for Flesh {10}
Guarded Secrets {10}
[Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina {15: 4,083 WC}
Soul Reason {10}
[Treth] Lessons in Beauty {10}
Him & I {40: 11, 710 WC}
The Venora Thing {35: 9, 068 WC}
Rising Tide {25: 6,174 WC}
Complicit Adultery {10}
Wedlocked {25: 6,303 WC}
Fireborn, Airborn {20: 5,214 WC}
Spitfire {20: 5,854 WC}
Stealthy? I dont think so {25: 6,703 WC}
Hello Claudia {10}
The Mere Thought {40: 10,903 WC}
Fade Into You {35: 9,045 WC}
Still Healing {35: 9,066 WC}
Self-Reliance {10}
The Sev'ryn and Their Heritage {10}
VII. Word Travels Fast {10}
Guardian {10}
... and Kin {10}
Run on the Wing {10}
Run on the Feet {10}
(white forrest) Understand Ones Enemy {10}

Npcs made: 3 x 3 = 9
Anansye {Cervantez}
Fantasma {Dosan}
Lorelei {Yavanna}

Create an Approved Song = 3
Ode To The Scarlet Beast {Dosan}

Site Votes 92 + 90 = 182
Top Sites Vote January = 500 (Cervantez) +9
Top Sites Vote January = 500 (Oluwanje) +9
Top Sites Vote January = 500 (Yavanna) +9
Top Sites Vote January = 500 (Dosan) +9
RPG Fix Vote January = 750 (Cervantez) +14
RPG Fix Vote January = 750 (Oluwanje) +14
RPG Fix Vote January = 750 (Yavanna) +14
RPG Fix Vote January = 750 (Dosan) +14
January total = 92

Top Sites Vote 450+ February (Cervantez) +8
Top Sites Vote 450+ February (Oluwanje) +8
Top Sites Vote 450+ February (Yavanna) +8
Top Sites Vote 450+ February (Dosan) +8
Top Sites Vote 450+ February (Solomyn) +8
RPG Fix Vote 550+ February (Cervantez +10
RPG Fix Vote 550+ February (Oluwanje) +10
RPG Fix Vote 550+ February (Yavanna) +10
RPG Fix Vote 550+ February (Dosan) +10
RPG Fix Vote 550+ February (Solomyn) +10
February Total = 90

Site Votes{March & April} 120 + 60 = 180
Top Sites Vote 350+ March (Cervantez) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ March (Oluwanje) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ March (Zasalamir) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ March (Dosan) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ March (Solomyn) +12
RPG Fix Vote 350+ March (Cervantez) +12
RPG Fix Vote 350+ March (Oluwanje) +12
RPG Fix Vote 350+ March (Zasalamir) +12
RPG Fix Vote 350+ March (Dosan) +12
RPG Fix Vote 350+ March (Solomyn) +12
March total = 120

Top Sites Vote 350+ April (Cervantez) +6
Top Sites Vote 350+ April (Oluwanje) +6
Top Sites Vote 350+ April (Zasalamir) +6
Top Sites Vote 350+ April (Dosan) +6
Top Sites Vote 350+ April (Solomyn) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ April (Cervantez) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ April (Oluwanje) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ April (Zasalamir) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ April (Dosan) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ April (Solomyn) +6
April Total = 60

Grand Total: 858

May 10th - June

Thread Reviewed {Cervantez}: 30
Another Door Opens {30: 8, 696 WC}

Grand Total: 888

Skill Reaches 75 points: +5
- Dosan {Becoming - 160}

PB Purchase of NPC
- 200 Argo Ragnorvelk

Grand Total: 693

Site Votes{May} = 108
Top Sites Vote 350+ May (Cervantez) +16
Top Sites Vote 350+ May (Oluwanje) +16
Top Sites Vote 350+ May (Dosan) +16
Top Sites Vote 350+ May (Solomyn) +16
RPG Fix Vote 350+ May (Cervantez) +11
RPG Fix Vote 350+ May (Oluwanje) +11
RPG Fix Vote 350+ May (Dosan) +11
RPG Fix Vote 350+ May (Solomyn) +11
May total = 108

Point Bank Mount = 150
Dosan - Storm Strike

Grand Total: 651
July - August
Site Votes{June}
Top Sites Vote 350+ June (Cervantez) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ June (Oluwanje) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ June (Dosan) +12
Top Sites Vote 350+ June (Solomyn) +12
RPG Fix Vote 350+ June (Cervantez) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ June (Oluwanje) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ June (Dosan) +6
RPG Fix Vote 350+ June (Solomyn) +6
June total = 72

Thread Reviewed {Cervantez}: 30
Let your soul be your guide {10}
The Price of a Life {20: 5,361 WC}

Grand Total: 893

Last edited by Cervantez on Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:25 am, edited 21 times in total. word count: 1326
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 454
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:59 am
Race: Lotharro
Profession: Yari Runner/Mercenary/Assassin
Renown: 195
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 4





NPC Council
Cast of Characters



☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

- The Cunning Spider
- Venomaga
- Shadowbane
- Lissira's Alchemist

Race: MIxed Race {Sev'ryn & Biqaj}
Date of Birth: Saun 14th, 682 {37}
Alchemy - 35
Exotics{Claw Grieves} - 35
Acrobatics - 35
Politics - 35
Unarmed Combat{Ki'Enaq} - 35
Teaching - 35
Poisons - 35
Stealth - 35
Detection - 35
Intelligence - 35

- Height: 6ft 2
- Weight: 185lbs
- Eye colour: Shifts between Orange, Violet, & Ice Green

Personality: Anansye is a quick-witted and perceptive man who believes in seeing the big picture. His outstanding talents and cunning energy help instill. Formal and unnervingly polite, he tries to see the best in every person but knows better than to trust anyone wholeheartedly. He addresses disasters with a blunt and analytical manner, always striving for a practical solution to the situation. As an advisor, he is more assertive and commits to suggestions that are do-able or practical. He idolizes those that persevere through hardships and strive to better themselves and move forward.

Relationship to PC: Bodyguard & Advisor

Anything: Anansye is known around the Hotlands as the "Cunning Spider", many sev'ryn know him as the Shadowbane. A capable assassin and alchemist, Anansye takes pride in his alchemic concoctions as well as his knowledge in poison, making him a formidable opponent and saboteur. His intellect matches his deadly martial skills and he has a harsh reputation in the region for it.

Mariatte Lahvayeau


☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

☠ Name: Mariatte Lahvayeau
Age: Her age is under speculation, but she appears as a vibrant 19-21 arc old. {Is actually 35}
Race: Human
Organization (if any): Herself
Skills: Domain Magic:
Necromancy: {76}
Attunement: {51}
Defiance {Air}: {22}
Research: {51}
Blades - Rapier: {30}
Throwing Knives: {20}

Bio: Not much is known about the woman overall background, most of it is shrouded in mystery & superstition. What is know however is that, from Mariatte's own admitting, she is an isolationist, enjoying her own company rather than that of a group. It explains her reasoning for not taking on too many proteges in magic. Because of the isolation caused by this lifestyle, Mariatte has extremely poor social skills and tends to be heavily sarcastic in conversation and uncaring towards the needs of others she finds to be uninteresting. To those that have the fortune or misfortune of meeting her, realize quickly that Mariatte does not get along well with the others especially non-mages. She is extremely dangerous in combat, having spent most of her life being forged in the harsh unforgiving climate of Yaralon. As a mage of many talents, her demeanor towards most regardless of their status is often seen against what is usually considered culturally acceptable in Yaralon. She does not hide the fact that she values power & magic over most anything else and is not averse to using any means necessary to gain what she desires, hiding her intent behind quaint and polite mannerisms.

Relationship: Even as a loner, Mariatte is still a woman who is always looking for power. Reluctant at first she never wanted to take Cervantez as a protege' but there was something about him, something about the sparkle in his eye when he read her books. She figured he'd be nice little tool in her pursuit of power. It wasn't an easy choice, but after he visited her three times, persistent that she show him the way, out of mere annoyance and a budding curiosity for the young man she initiated him. Their relationship is not like most, as Cervantez is the one person she can feel at ease around, being that in some way she see him as the child she could never have. She treats him in a very mother fashion, and delights in his fervent reverence of her, fear what she might do to him if he were to ever cross the line. At first, she was fearful of initiating another, but being a woman on a quest for greater power, she has taken a gamble on the young man, and from what she's gathered, it was a gamble well played.☠

Sadart Urhon


☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Name: Sadart Urhon
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Cyclus 3rd, 663 {55}
Polearms{Spears} {20}
Smithing {30}
Strength {10}
Business Management {30}
Negotiation {10}

Personality: Sadart is abrasive and not very approachable. He rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others, picking up on the Yari way when dealing with non-marked individuals. His manner of speaking tends to be blunt and insulting, his comments are frequently coarse or otherwise harsh, and he is not above provoking or belittling those who irritate him. His sense of humor tends toward the dry, insulting, and dark. All of this makes him unsettling to a great number of people besides those that have come to know him.

Relationship to PC: Former lover, close friend of his mother

Minerva Urhon


☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Name: Minerva Urhon
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: Ashan 23rd, 686 {32}

Hunting {30}
Stealth {30}
Interrogation {10}
Tactics {10}

Personality: On the surface, Minerva is genuinely kind & peaceful as she has been since she was a little girl. Though underneath that due to the past she is very cold & ruthless when it comes to those who threaten her family & friends. She has an air strength & elegance about her and has a loving attitude which makes her very approachable, unlike her husband. She also has a great hatred for those who forsake honor, no matter where they're from. On the inside she is silent and vigilant, never hesitating to shield her spouse from harm. She is always faithful to her country and fellow Yari. She is not openly talkative at first, and she prefers to analyze people and their actions. She is very protective of Sadart & Cervantez and willing to sacrifice herself for their happiness. She is very logical and she doesn't act out of anger or instinct.

Relationship to PC: Close friend ☠

Last edited by Cervantez on Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:27 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 987
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