• Closed • [Faldrass] Soft Landings

25th of Cylus 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Faldrass] Soft Landings

She was aware of Padraig in her peripheral vision as she lay there, battering at the spider with her crossbow. However, her focus was pretty much on the spider in general and it's fangs in particular. It snapped down at her and Faith let out a yelp and rolled to the side. It missed, but she stopped assaulting it with a crossbow, too, so it meant that it was back and able to attack. Padraig's yelp of pain came just as she realised that it was atop her and she had dropped her weapon and the only thing she had to hurt it with was her hands.

It's hot blood was pouring out and, as she realised the she had to fight it without a weapon, yet she wasn't strong or skilled enough to fight it she also realised that it was losing blood. Blood. With a sudden flash of insight and inspiration, Faith lifted her hands and clamped them either side of the spider's head, her hands sinking in as she used the Burning Blood power granted to her by Famula.

The spider screamed. It was a sound that didn't belong in the moral world and it might well be the kind of thing that would give a person nightmares ~ but as the thing was already losing blood quickly and so had very little of it, as Faith's power heated it's remaining blood, it screamed. Just as Padraig turned around to her, having dispatched his own, he got to see Faith with her hands more or less buried in the spider's flesh as it screamed in pain.

Which had good sides and bad sides, as a plan. The good result was that, in it's already weakened and almost-dead state, it pushed it over into all-the-way dead. Unfortunately, the not so great result was that small detail which had already got her into the situation of laying on the floor in the first place. As it died, it fell on top of her and she let out a squeal first of surprise and then pain as something easily twice, if not three times her weight landed on her.

She tried to wriggle, strained every muscle she had to lift it, but she wasn't strong enough and had no leverage. It was heavy enough that, when it landed on her, it crushed her and she'd have more bruises from that than she would the fall. It's weight made it hard for her to breathe and it was utterly disgusting, too. She called, praying to Famula that he was alright, that he was safe and not in danger any more.

"Padraig! Padraig, are you alright? I'm stuck!"
word count: 462
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Faldrass] Soft Landings

If he thought that her method of dealing with the spider left a lot to be desired, Padraig couldn't fault her tenacity. In fact under other circumstances he'd have said it was magnificent. But he'd been too busy trying to survive an attack by the second spider to do anything else, much less comment on it.

Covered with good, scraped up and with a shallow gash across his midsection, all he could do was scramble to his feet once it was over and rush to her aid. But by the time she did, it was already dead and collapsed on top of her. "Faith! I'm coming. Just talk to me. Keep talking," he said as he dropped his sword and began looking for the leverage to get it off of her without making things worse.

As long as she was talking, after all, then he'd know she wasn't so hurt that she couldn't. It took a lot of effort, some grunting and heaving, putting a lot of his back into it. But finally he was able to lift enough weight off that she could scramble out from underneath. And if she couldn't do it on her own, he'd pull her out.

Then finally he fell back on his backside next to her in order to catch his breath. "Are you ok? Are you injured?" he asked, looking over her and trying to decide what of it was the spider's blood, and what might be hers.
word count: 262
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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Faldrass] Soft Landings

Talk to him? Didn't he know she was having trouble breathing under this thing? "I'm so sorry. I didn't think we'd need me to have a crossbow and I should have thought of it. Are you hurt? You haven't told me if you're hurt?" Immortals, but this thing weighed too much for her and she was torn between telling him not to move it in case he injured himself and needing to get out from under it so that she could at least treat his wounds. "I boiled it's blood. That's why I asked if it had any. The ability that allows me to keep myself warm, I can use it as an attack. For protection. It's how I knew Sintih's a Yludith, too. Oh! Oh there you are!"

She half scrabbled out, he half pulled her and Faith launched herself at him, wrapping him in a hug which started as a hug, but which very quickly became her checking him. "Where are you hurt? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Oh, look, here." She found the cut and turned, grabbing her medical bag. "What did it? Was it a fang?" Having washed her hands as best she could with the liquid from her medical kit she turned and knelt in front of him, starting to work. She started to quickly discard his clothing until he was in just his shirt which she opened. "I'm fine, just a bit squashed. I'll be all shades tomorrow and I might have broken a couple of ribs, but I don't think so." More likely just bruised, she assured him then added, "Stay still. I'm going to clean this and then use some of the raft to seal it."

Faith's forehead had a small frown of concentration and she was focused entirely on him. "Tell me if any more come. This shouldn't take long. I think we should give you a generalised anti toxin just in case. Probably me too, come to think of it" That made sense and within a few moments she had cleaned and covered the wound with the liquid bandages which they had invented together. As she finished she lifted her head and kissed him, rather suddenly, but in the way she had wanted to when she had first emerged from beneath the spider, when she had been too focused on his injuries to give in to that.

By the flickering lamplight, she clung on to him for a few moments, feeling herself relax as she did so. "I hate fighting. It scares me and I just can't think straight. I panic. Are you up to walking some more? Or would you like to try and gather up... stuff... from them?" She thought he should rest, really, but then here was hardly the place for him to do that and as much as she tried not to do so obviously, she kept checking the beat of his pulse in his neck, his respiratory rate and the colour of his skin. "You'll tell me if you get any unusual symptoms? Like, burning, dizziness, fatigue?" Although it was a far cry from her usual, she smiled at him. "Do you keep hearing the strange chirrups of a nagging woman? That can be a sign of impending madness, that can."
word count: 566
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Faldrass] Soft Landings

"Just a few scrapes and bruises, just a scratch," he reassured Faith as he labored to get the giant spider off of her. It would have been heavy enough while it was a live. But in its current state, it was dead weight and all the more difficult to lift and move.

He found it in himself to do it however, driven by one simple concern. Faith. "You boiled it's blood?" Had he known she could do that? In the heat of the moment he couldn't recall if she'd ever mentioned it before. It was a handy ability though, that was for sure. And when she was finally out from under the thing, he had but half a trill to look her over for injury before she was wrapped around him, and then was looking him over head to toe.

"I'm fine," he insisted, though he lifted up the tail of his shirt to show here where the spider had gotten him. "It wasn't a fang. It was a foot, a talon I guess." Or whatever he ought to call the sharp hooked points on the end of the thing's many legs. He didn't complain much about her fussing this time. The slice across his midsection stung a little if he was being honest. Though it stung just a little bit more when she cleaned it and he hissed out a curse under his breath.

"Are you sure?" he asked her when she maintained that she was fine, for the most part. He guessed though that if either of them had been poisoned, they might already be feeling it by now. Still, an anti-toxin, "Good idea. Better safe than not." He could walk, Padraig assured her, so long as she could as well. "I'll let you know if I start feeling anything strange. You do the same, yes?" As for madness, well he grinned and kissed her. "I'd say this situation we've found ourselves in is custom made for it."

Nonetheless, before they moved on he'd collect a few samples from the dead spiders. A couple of its talons, some of its hair, a sample of its blood, all stored in small stoppered vials he'd taken from his chemistry supplies and brought with him. And when it was all done, it would be easy enough to find their way out by following the sound of running water, a draft coming from the same direction, and eventually plenty of sunlight slanting into the place. And once they were out, a simple matter of returning, the two of them to their cabin at the resort.
word count: 453
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[Faldrass] Soft Landings



Burning Blood: Works on Scalvoris Spiders
Axes/Bludgeons (Club): End of the Crossbow can Buy you some Time
Field Craft: Dangers of Collapsing Caves
Navigation: Retracing your Steps
Ranged Combat: Point Blank Range is Impossible to Miss
Loot:-1 Bottle Antiseptic
-1 Bandage
-2 General Antivenom
Various Samples of 4 Species of Mushroom
Various Samples of 5 Species of Plant
Various Samples of 3 Rock Formations

Injuries:Bruised from Neck to Ankle, 15 Trials





- - -


Faldrass: Grows Creatures Abnormally Large
Field Craft: Dangers of Collapsing Caves
Ranged Combat: Large Targets are Easy to Hit

Various Samples of 4 Species of Mushroom
Various Samples of 5 Species of Plant
Various Samples of 3 Rock Formations
3x Spider Talons
1 Vial of Spider Blood
1 Vial of Spider Venom
1 Jar of Spider Web
Injuries:1 Cut on the Chest- 5 Trials treated, 15 Untreated

An odd, unknown, and almost unnoticeable symptom appears several trials after this experience. Bright lights, particularly torchlight, take you several trills longer to adjust to. This will only become apparent in Saun when the intense sunlight can actually cause you headaches.





- - -

It was a good read! There were a few typos that confused me at first, especially early on, but overall it was well written.

I really liked seeing how you two fought together- it was cute and you played to your skill level.

During this I was struck by how long it would take you to wash the blood, ichor and guts out of your clothing, Faith, without the benefits of modern showers....ugh.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 311
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